He Smoke She Don't

Will you be spinning the block on an EX?!

Genelatina Season 1 Episode 2

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Why do we sometimes feel an irresistible urge to rekindle relationships with our exes? This episode of "He Smoke, She Don't" doesn't shy away from the tough questions about love and relationships. Gene Yus and Latina Marie dive right into the thick of it, sharing personal stories and debating the wisdom—or folly—of “spinning the block” on old flames. From deep dives into the authenticity of NBA star Anthony Edwards to surprising revelations about "Jersey Shore" stars Vinny and Pauly's dating preferences, we paint a vivid picture of the intricate dance between past relationships and present realities.

Navigating the murky waters of closure, emotional support, and personal growth forms the cornerstone of our discussion. We recount heartfelt experiences of supporting exes through tough times and the emotional toll it can take. With a blend of empathy and realism, we explore the importance of clear communication, setting boundaries, and the emotional labor involved in maintaining and ending relationships. We also tackle how financial stability and attraction intersect and shape our relationship expectations, highlighting how different life experiences, like becoming a parent, can dramatically alter our perspectives.

Shifting gears, we reminisce about the good old days of youth sports and the evolving structures of different games, touching on icons like Anthony Edwards and the unique journeys of athletes like Kevin Garnett. We don’t just stop at sports; we also delve into the unfiltered drama of relationship tensions and the societal pressures that often accompany modern life. Whether it's embracing single motherhood or understanding the dynamics of rejection, our reflections offer a rich, thought-provoking exploration that resonates with listeners from all walks of life. Join us for an engaging, heartfelt, and sometimes humorous journey through the multifaceted world of relationships, sports, and societal norms.

Speaker 1:

Wow, Welcome to episode two of he Smoke. She Don't. It's your boy, Genius.

Speaker 2:

And Latina Marie.

Speaker 1:

So we back with Perspectives Once again, just to refresh y'all what this podcast is about. I am a single man, no kids, and I smoke a lot of weed.

Speaker 2:

I'm a married woman, four kids and weed stinks, Just so you know.

Speaker 1:

We bring in a lot of topics to y'all with different perspectives. Maybe it can spark something in your brain or you can find something in between that we talking about. Did you like? Oh, I agree with them, but I don't agree with them. Just give you something funny to look at and pass your day by.

Speaker 2:

So today we are on three topics of what did you call it Wraparound.

Speaker 1:

The wraparound. These are the times you remind me that you're a mom.

Speaker 2:

These are the the times you remind me that you're a mom, these are the times that you it's not what's it called spin the block, oh, spin the block. So I've actually never you've never heard.

Speaker 1:

I don't think so yeah, like, if somebody's like, would you spin the block? That's the topic. Spinning the block on an ex is it, is it okay? Is it not okay? What's the thoughts on it? That's what we're gonna be tackling the relationships today we're gonna be talking about, uh, mr anthony edwards.

Speaker 2:

He seems to be a very inspiring, positive just figure to the league. Yeah, and the more like I'm hearing about him and seeing him is just, I don't watch sports, I don't even care about sports, but he makes me want to be like what's going on?

Speaker 1:

in sports.

Speaker 2:

He's a breath of fresh air, probably, and his authenticity just makes you want to watch him because I feel like the last person that I heard about deep in sports was what's his name? Colby steph curry. Oh okay, I'm not that I pb I right crazy, right man crazy, oh yeah, um, but even with him I wasn't like trying to, I didn't care, I didn't care that much.

Speaker 1:

You didn't dive too deep into it. Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 2:

And what else we got. Oh, so y'all know Vinny and Pauly loving the chocolates.

Speaker 1:

This was news to me.

Speaker 2:

Loving the chocolates.

Speaker 1:

When you sent it to me I was like, but even when they was talking about like the producers and how they were, I was like it went.

Speaker 2:

I mean, that makes sense to me, though Really yeah, I was like it went. I mean, that makes sense to me, though Really yeah, because why why? Would MTV want to show that Italians love black women? I'll feel it. I'll feel it and I get it, and I'm going to Italy in October.

Speaker 1:

So you know what's crazy. I feel like that's just an America thing, yeah.

Speaker 2:

You know, what's crazy.

Speaker 1:

I feel like that's just an America thing. Yeah, Because the more that I travel outside of the US, I'm like y'all really love the dark skin.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 1:

And it's all racist. Well, I ain't seen that out of Asians, yet they be hit or miss sometimes.

Speaker 2:

I think it depends on what Asian country you go to. Oh, yeah, yeah, I agree, I would say it depends on what Asian country you go to, because I know a few Vietnamese Asians and they seem to love us, which I was kind of surprised. I've never been with an Asian, but I keep telling Alvin, if we don't work out, my next husband's going to be Asian. I can't say His is too, though he's.

Speaker 1:

Asian yeah.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so that's how much alike we are. So I don't think we're going to get a divorce.

Speaker 1:

I said it like I was going to Like y'all have some Asian people waiting for y'all on the wings or something Y'all going to have to get over it because now we're not.

Speaker 2:

I don't think it's going to happen.

Speaker 1:

So that's what we got on the scope for y'all today. But before we get there, I am once again the toker smoker and the joker.

Speaker 2:

And the joker.

Speaker 1:

I don't choke. I don't choke. Nobody, I am not. No domestic violence or abuse will come from me ever, but once again, I do smoke, I didn't mean it that way, okay, but in the bedroom.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you're right, you're right, go ahead, okay, but once again, but in the bedroom. Yeah, you're right, you're right, go ahead, okay, but once again, I am the smoker. So today, and I'm an advocate for smoking different types of weed. Last week I had the traditional joint. This week I'm smoking on the pen. Next week you might see me having some wax. It just don't depend. I'm an advocate for smoking all of the things. Thc wise, don't just go out smoking anything. Smoke your brains out, hitting up a crack pipe, saying he said smoke, nope.

Speaker 2:

I might be the worst person. I'll get somebody to do some drugs that's what I'm supposed to be doing. I don't even smoke, and why are you proud of that? And I will get somebody to do some drugs that ain't supposed to touch you.

Speaker 1:

Bro, you know, you want it.

Speaker 2:

You know you want it.

Speaker 1:

But yeah, today I'm smoking a Rainbow Belt. That's Not Rainbow Belt, bro. Weed names just sound so inviting. And then once you hit them, like this one, it gives you like that euphoric, calming feeling Not really give you the munchies too much, make you want to go sleep more than munchies, but it just invites you in and it's like a warm hug. As soon as you hit it You're just like I agree, the names make you very curious.

Speaker 2:

Then you smell it and you be like never mind.

Speaker 1:

You know what's crazy when I first I can taste fruity flavors in this.

Speaker 2:

I feel like it would just be tainted. What Whatever fruit you think you should taste, because I know you don't just be tainted. What Whatever fruit you think you tasted, because I know you don't know you tasted fruit. You think you tasted some fruit you ain't tasted nothing.

Speaker 1:

No, I'm telling you, it's like a citrusy taste.

Speaker 2:

But With the smell, I feel like that's going to taste nasty but it doesn't taste how it smells, that's what I'm trying to tell you. I won't find out, but that's.

Speaker 1:

That's nice to know. Yeah, so if you, if you are there looking for something to just a strain and looking to calm you down and they got it in flour too, it is not just a pen thing. But if you're looking for a strain to, calm you down.

Speaker 2:

What's a flower?

Speaker 1:

Flower is the bud like the actual weed.

Speaker 2:

I thought you said the butt. See, this is how you know she don't smoke.

Speaker 1:

She don't know none of the terminology at all, but I love it because I can teach you something. I think, or two I'll learn it and forget it.

Speaker 2:

Tomorrow You'll bring it up again and I'll be like what? What are we talking about?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, Okay, we're moving on. So spinning the block on an ex yes, no, maybe. So Is it okay? Is it situational?

Speaker 2:

Does it? Why are you looking at me? Because I know we said to think about this and I chose not to.

Speaker 1:

Oh, I I, so you want to go through those thoughts right here.

Speaker 2:

Yes, yes, okay, so I did not take the time to think about this go ahead, take the time to think about this?

Speaker 1:

Go ahead. I was just about to ask do you want me to go first? And you try to kick it off Because I didn't think about it. You did yeah, okay, if it's, it's a situational thing for me. Okay, but nine times out of 10, no, nah, Okay.

Speaker 2:

But nine times out of ten, no, nah Okay. If I was in a position to be going back to an ex, which is like single, it depends on who it is Okay Now. Is spinning the block just sex or is it like having a relationship? Nah, it's like y'all trying to get in.

Speaker 1:

Oh, no, no See, that's what I'm saying.

Speaker 2:

No, and I don't think any of my exes are worthy of another chance Definitely not. Maybe we can be friends. If you want to be in my life, we can be like.

Speaker 1:

I can be friends with her.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Now, that's one of those things like it depends on who you are. Some exes are like I don't want shit to friends with her. Yeah, now, that's one of those things like it depends on who you are. Some exes are like I don't want shit to do with you, there's only one. There's no ex I would want to spend the block with None. There's some exes I would still be friends with. Like when it ended it was still mutual enough and it was cordial enough to where I know that and like the bond that we had, the connection that we had, was still heavy enough and deep enough to where we can be friends.

Speaker 2:

There's only one ex that I would be like kick rocks with no shoes on, damn Because and I feel like, if any of y'all are watching or listening to this, you know exactly who you are, but as I'm saying it, I feel like they all think it's them.

Speaker 1:

Did you make them all feel like they wouldn't shit with you?

Speaker 2:

No, he definitely. Yeah, kick fucking rocks with no shoes on. You know what you did, but yeah, the rest of them. Do I know that one? Yeah, is that the one that I?

Speaker 1:

got pregnant. Is it real?

Speaker 2:

No, I got pregnant. Oh oh, okay, yeah, but the rest of them I really wouldn't be like I would probably have sex with all of them again, but I would never want a relationship with them again. But we can be in each other's lives. Yeah, I probably wouldn't have sex with all of them again just thinking about the sex with all of them and I was gonna say like all of them.

Speaker 1:

How many exes do you have?

Speaker 2:

Exes Like relationships. Yeah like relationships. Okay, so Three. I was going to count Jamal, but no Three. Okay, that's not too bad yeah.

Speaker 1:

When did you get married?

Speaker 2:

2000. I was 22. Oh, okay, so 2012.

Speaker 1:

Because I was 22. Oh, okay, so 2012. Because I was going to say I've been in five relationships, but I'm 32. Yeah, so I was about to say three or Well, four, counting my husband. But oh, then yeah.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that's not bad. Three exes yeah, that's not bad, but like situationships Too many. Yeah, that's not bad, but uh, but like situationships Too many.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I mean not too many, no, and I'm talking about just pure exes.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, pure exes is just three. And yeah, no, I don't think, because I'm trying to think about like, for real exes, I think it is just them three.

Speaker 1:

I just feel like exes are for a certain use, like after we're done. You're for a certain use, like I don't think we gotta be complete. I mean, I do think we need to be completely out of each other's lives, but if something comes up where you might because of and then once again, depending on what ex it is or who it is, because, like I said, I got an ex, I wouldn't, I mean, yeah, I would consider her a friend, but we don't talk.

Speaker 1:

But every couple of years, yeah, you know what I'm saying don't talk, but every couple years yeah, you know what I'm saying it's always like meaningful something for our lives that we had a perspective about, because we know each other that way I mean one of my exes.

Speaker 2:

I feel like he was a friend and this is the only person that I had ever actually was. I mean, my intentions were to be with, but we did start off as friends, so if he ever came back and was like I miss our friendship. Yeah, but again, only if I was single In my marriage. No, I wouldn't.

Speaker 1:

Because for what Right? That's how.

Speaker 2:

I feel too, and the thing is, we started off as friends but we obviously had something, so we can't clearly we can't just be friends.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, and that's how I be feeling too Like because we passed that line Right.

Speaker 2:

So if I'm with somebody, then no. But if I'm single, then yeah, we can be friends, and if you try to go forward we can fuck. But then be on your business, girl.

Speaker 1:

And that's why I feel like that, because I'm single, that's why me and her are friends, because I believe she's married. Okay, but we're never on nothing like that. It's literally platonic.

Speaker 2:

What's the rest?

Speaker 1:

of this man, I think all of them are Jesus Christ.

Speaker 2:

None of mine are. None of mine are. None of mine are. One is in prison and see, I'll be. Actually, I think two of them is in jail, I think two I'm not sure about the other one, but one I know. Crazy, how you gonna tell, wait, how you gonna tell me that if you find out I'm even talking to somebody else. Like, fuck the fact that you think I'm fucking someone else, yeah, Just talking to somebody else.

Speaker 1:

You going to kill me. It is even crazier.

Speaker 2:

That you in prison for murder, sir, what? What's going on? And here I am laughing like, okay, you so funny, hanging up on him like that's the worst thing you can do to somebody with an anger problem hang up on somebody you lucky he didn't show up at your crib.

Speaker 1:

You lucky he didn't show up. How do I?

Speaker 2:

cause. I used to be into the uh m live news like I used to check it, yeah, quite frequently, and that popped up. I'm like, are you freaking, kidding me? That's nuts. So I could have been dead, you could have been done for, because my mans really did find out I was talking to someone else, that's wild. Yeah, and then I have another one. I forgot what I was even going to say now yeah, and another one. I think he might be in jail for just stupid stuff.

Speaker 1:

That's crazy. Yeah, a whole life, so you wouldn't spend the black money so you wouldn't spend the black.

Speaker 2:

I think I would have to think about that one, I think. Can you come visit me? No, if I ever went to prison I'm letting you go I would not do that to you, but he and what's crazy is he's the type of person that if he had my number, he would be calling me. What For what? We broke up because you cheated on me and had a baby. Why are you calling me?

Speaker 1:

But you were still a free man when that happened and there was no chance of us getting back together.

Speaker 2:

At all. Now I will say I did technically spin the block with him because like two or three years after we broke up he called me.

Speaker 1:

He called me and, but was y'all trying again or? Was it just no, it was just See that don't count, I'm meaning like you really want to try again.

Speaker 2:

No, I don't think I would actually ever try again with anybody Not one, not one.

Speaker 1:

Friends, certain ones, and I wouldn't sleep with all of them either.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I don't even think that I would if me and Alvin didn't work out. I don't even think I would try again with him, like if we were like for real, done, yeah, and that's how I'd be feeling, because for what?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, if we take the time to be done we're done, then we don't need, we ain't got nothing to talk about, or say cause I've taken breaks with relationships, so it's like when that happened, then yeah, I'm willing to try again and see if we or continue to try and see if we can make it work.

Speaker 1:

But if we like no, it's nothing here, then it ain't nothing here and like, once again, I think actually can be of certain use Because, like, how he was having that conversation about my dad and the influence that he had on us. But I told you that, x, she had a conversation with him that I never knew what it was about, but that was so influential to who I was and just the closure that I needed about us and things like that. And I told you, I reached out and, yeah, her response is like I think it would be disrespectful to my fiance if we met up or because I was just like hey, uh, it was mother's day. So I was like, hey, happy mother's day to you, uh we had that conversation before mother's day.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I was like, hey, happy Mother's Day to you. We had that conversation before Mother's Day.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I was waiting a minute. I was like I wanted to make sure I was going to reach out, but I was like this might seem random, but I have wanted to ask for the past couple of years because this has been on my head Do you think we could ever meet up for coffee or lunch or something? She was like I do think it would be disrespectful to my fiance, but no hard feelings, um, whole balls as well. I was like all right, no worries, but and it was so crazy I don't know why. And uh, first of all, I was gonna say because we never got into a conversation like she don't know what I hit her up for. I hope she's not thinking like oh, he that he wanted back?

Speaker 2:

yeah, because.

Speaker 1:

And that definitely ain't that. But see, oh, go ahead, no, go finish.

Speaker 2:

I'll say that, and just from getting that response from her, it told me everything that I needed to know I feel like, because a lot of people say that that is disrespectful to meet up with an ex to have a conversation for closure, or, if they ask, you don't even know what they're calling for. I don't think it is Me neither, because I'm not trying to be a threat to nothing.

Speaker 2:

you got going on, I really wish you the best, but even if you are, the disrespect comes when you make a decision that you shouldn't be making, and that's what I was thinking in my head, like is it because you would be tempted?

Speaker 2:

And I don't want to put that, but for whatever reason, I'm not trying to be a threat to nothing, you guys are Because I honestly don't think that outsiders can be disrespectful to somebody's relationship, because even if I know that you're with someone and I push up on you, it's on you if that happens, right, it's not, it's not me, right? So the only disrespect that's happening is coming from you because that's your situation, right? So if, if I call an ex and he he's like well, no, because you know I got my girl, that's fine, you can say no. I'm not saying that you have to say yes, but don't say it's because you feel like that's disrespectful.

Speaker 1:

This is what, like when I was saying, that answer gave me everything I needed to know is because of that, exactly when we were completely officially done, I was living in in California, I was talking to this girl Air Obviously she don't know that or whatever, but out of nowhere I just get a call from her and she's basically asking for that closure. Like I guess her and some dudes she was talking to or dating were breaking up and she was like you know me the best and I just need somebody to talk to or vent to. And so I'm like all right, I know me the best and I just need somebody to talk to or vent to. And so I'm like I'm here for you, go ahead, I'll be there.

Speaker 1:

Because of what I thought we had when we were together, right, and even at the end of that, the first time she did, I'm like listen, I am still trying to get over you. Like I do want to be there for you even in the future, like maybe when it's a little less harder for me to have these conversations it's still not even easy to hear about you with somebody else but like, can you just try? Like, if you absolutely have to call me, go ahead, but if you can try not to please. And I still got like maybe one or two more of those calls and I'm like I'm still gonna be there for you, but even them calls put certain shit on my head and my air didn't end up working out because I'm like maybe I'm not over this, like I thought I was Right, and so then I reached out for that type of closure. To even realize what that was. She was just dead cold, like nope, I can't be there for you, I can't do this.

Speaker 2:

I'm like but where was that when?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I can't be, there for you. I can't do this, I'm like, but where was that when you and so now reaching out this time once again, that happened, like you probably never could have even cared about my feelings, like you said you did, or cared Because, no matter what happened, I just wanted you to be OK. It don't have to be nothing with us. You didn't even give a fuck about what my situation was. You didn't care if it was disrespectful.

Speaker 2:

Did she ever ask? No, she didn't ask if you were talking to somebody else.

Speaker 1:

Nope, but I was just happy to be there for you, I was happy to care about you.

Speaker 2:

I can't say that there is no care for what your feelings were.

Speaker 1:

I just think Well now I'm in a whole conversation about you and making you OK.

Speaker 2:

I mean that was her reason to call yeah, no, I'm saying that's her reason to call Well, that was why she called you no, and I know that. So if it's, about if this whole conversation about you, you can't be thinking about how I feel about this? Just as a girl, I feel like, because I would do stuff like that, calling, talking about myself, hoping you would bring it back to us, and I know that that seems like I can't read your mind.

Speaker 2:

I don't, I don't, I don't know that you want, like clearly you don't know that I want you to do that, that you want like clearly you don't know that I want you to do that.

Speaker 1:

but I just know that and not like a mind game, but because I kind of thought that I kind of just a tiny bit thought it was that until once back then I reached out for that and you ice cold so yeah, I don't know what that would be, unless it was like you didn't pick up my hint.

Speaker 2:

But it could have been that.

Speaker 1:

But that's not how you would, how you should react to that and, like I said, from what I thought we had when we were together, like we had those type of conversations, like no matter where life take us you know, and I meant it. Yeah, it is okay that you didn't, but I was under the impression that you did did you though. I would still.

Speaker 2:

No, I mean, I know you meant it, but like if, if she wasn't that way and she was calling like just trying to have like, hey, what you doing catch up every once in a while, even with you being in other relationships, you would have been okay with that yeah because I was even going to say that earlier when you were saying Alvin, like you I forgot what you said, but something along the lines, because I was going to say even any relationship I get into, I don't want them to feel threatened by that. Right.

Speaker 1:

Because once again, I never want to be with an ex threatened by that right, because once again I never want to be with an ex or but at that time in my life the certain connection that we had is still a part of right like that still matters and that's in a way that you can never know me.

Speaker 1:

you didn't know me then, at that time, and sometimes and I mean just very rarely sometimes that person might understand it more, they might be able to help me with, and I'm not going to be in that place forever. So you, once again, you don't have to be threatened by that or anything, and that's why I was saying I think X's are of certain use.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and it takes. I'm taking back Another reason why I feel like it's not disrespectful If you take the time to even answer what I said to you, cause what I said to you because it was a text, if you didn't have to respond. So if you really felt like it was disrespectful for y'all to be talking, why did you respond? Because my thing is, if I feel like it's disrespectful, I'm gonna show my partner and be like hey, this is what he said. I'm not saying nothing because I ain't got nothing to say to him and I want to show you that I respect what we got going on. But you said something Right. You think it was him, could have been.

Speaker 1:

I don't care, but once again I didn't care.

Speaker 2:

I think I'm the only one who thinks crazy shit like that.

Speaker 1:

No, no, because it crossed my mind, but it doesn't matter to me so much that I didn't care.

Speaker 2:

Because I had an ex reach out once while I was married and. I responded as if I was my husband, Like she can't talk to you. She married, she happy, leave her alone.

Speaker 1:

Because, how much I didn't care, I was going to be like you want me to ask him if he's so cute.

Speaker 2:

Or he can come Right.

Speaker 1:

Like I really need but and then once again, like getting that response, I got everything that I needed from it.

Speaker 2:

For sure, I definitely feel like you only feel like it's disrespectful, because there's feelings there that you still have and this is just speculation, but I do feel like there are feelings there that you still have and instead of just saying like this is still too close to me Right, right, I'm about to get married. I can't do this.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that would have been a more appropriate honest answer and see my thing was I don't think it's disrespectful at all, but I do think it would have been more disrespectful after you get married, right, I'm trying to take care of this before you walk down the aisle Right yeah, but I mean I don't think it really matters when Right, yeah, but I mean I don't think it really matters when.

Speaker 2:

Because, again, I think people need to stop acting like closure is not necessary, because you may be fine, that's fine, Right, right, but if you cared about me at all at all, and that's what I was saying.

Speaker 1:

Like you would at least just be like all right, maybe we can't meet up, but what's up?

Speaker 2:

yeah right, okay right, I can call you right now. I'm letting you know, my fiance is sitting right here that response gave me everything I needed to know because I and it's hard to change that my mentality about you yeah

Speaker 2:

but it is what it is I just don't like, because there are a few times that I have reached out to exes to try to get some closure and some friends that I tried to get some closure from and it was like because they had moved on, I should have moved on, but why, right? We never talked, we never figured it out.

Speaker 1:

There's one Like I said and I can believe she did. I gave you that All the stairs. So there's one Like I said and I can believe she did.

Speaker 2:

I gave you that All the stairs.

Speaker 1:

I love having it out here.

Speaker 2:

There's one ex that I still want to get some closure from, but again I think he's in jail, so not going to happen.

Speaker 1:

And I feel like that's all right to want that yeah.

Speaker 2:

Because I just want to know, like, especially when I have issues. But it's gonna help you right when I have issues in my current relationship. Could it be me because I'm looking at it like it's him, but could it be me and that's exactly what I was on.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and people, and that's why I'm like I really hope she wasn't thinking like that.

Speaker 2:

I want to get right, right and that's why I didn't. I really hope she wasn't thinking like oh, you want me Right.

Speaker 1:

And that's why I didn't push her too much either, right.

Speaker 2:

Because I feel like the more I push you really going to think that I'm like, no, I'm good, because I just I'm not a therapist. But I feel like if someone came in my office, I would definitely and they're telling me that they're trying to change and become a better person I would definitely tell them to reach out to old people in their lives.

Speaker 1:

It ain't necessarily going to be an ex or you know what's crazy.

Speaker 2:

Somebody told you that my therapist no. Well, my therapist told me that I should be a therapist.

Speaker 1:

And I feel like empathy, more empathy is needed, and the thing is like, especially in those type of relationships if I've been there for you, the least you can do is, oh my gosh, what.

Speaker 2:

It depends on the person.

Speaker 1:

Oh, and, like I said, definitely, oh and, like I said, definitely, but if we're talking about especially you, I would say we've made it further than any of our other actors besides who you're with now. Yeah, and so, once again, the connection that we had was clearly somewhat I thought, somewhat I'm not reaching out to everybody else needing that type of closure or anything.

Speaker 2:

Right, reaching out to everybody else needing that type of closure or anything, right? I just think, uh, more empathy depends on the person, because I feel like I am too empathetic with people, sometimes like I get ran over for the fact that I'm so willing to figure out what it was, what happened, and I'll give you another chance to fix it.

Speaker 1:

Now I was going to say I think that's where you messed up, because I'm like that, I'm cool with trying to figure it out what happened and moving on, not trying it again. That's the thing, not trying it again.

Speaker 2:

I have a hard time moving on, and so that really is why I wouldn't spin the block, because once I do, because of how hard it is for me to move on, I'm not going to do this shit. Yeah right, yeah, fucking right. That's how I be. I just when I think about the work that has to be put into friendships, relationships, and for somebody to not give you that the door to close it. Fuck you up. What did we do all this for?

Speaker 1:

fuck you up, and I just mean like as people, like as just human beings. I thought, you were better than that. Right Like once again, that's just me.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, I'm learning for sure about myself that I be caring too much.

Speaker 1:

I wouldn't say that because like it sounded like we're a lot alike in that department. But that's why I say I think people just need more empathy, because I'm also the person that can just walk away quicker than you can. I can say fuck you, I can like, but I still, if we've had that type of connection, I still and I mean, like you were saying old friendships, that we were super, super close. I, bro, if you reach out, you ever know, and I don't care if, as long as we didn't establish that there's beef there, if we got a problem with each other, I care about you as a human being and maybe I agree, because I definitely feel like more empathy needs to come to me.

Speaker 2:

Oh for sure, like I'm and I don't know if I'm just attracting people who just don't give a fuck, but it feels like everybody in my life. I feel like it's hard too, especially after a lot of people don't know how.

Speaker 1:

There's maturity that comes with that, so it's just and forgiveness is just a huge thing? Yeah, I might just be. I'm just attracting assholes.

Speaker 2:

A huge thing yeah.

Speaker 1:

It's not just attractive people that don't give a, I'm just attracting assholes Like y'all can stay the fuck away from me.

Speaker 2:

No, it's definitely not that I ain't got time for it, no more.

Speaker 1:

Definitely not that, but it make you think.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, for sure. I'd definitely be like what is this? Yeah. Because, and not even Like I said, said it'd be hard to change your mind, just like damn but not even just with like assholes, like I'll be thinking about the type of guys that be hitting on me and it just be like is there only one type of weirdo that likes me? Like nobody with money thinks thinks thinks I'm attractive. Like nobody with money thinks thinks I'm attractive. Like nobody with a, a mansion that they want to give away, want to be my friend.

Speaker 1:

Like I got so many.

Speaker 2:

I be thinking that too, like I think maybe it's my and I thought two, three, four times about it.

Speaker 1:

I'm like you didn't. Nah. See this is where we're at. They're not the most attractive women.

Speaker 2:

I don't give a flying fuck. You want to pay me to look at you?

Speaker 1:

It's not just look at you Like nah and I don't know.

Speaker 2:

The only thing I couldn't do is someone super old or fat. I can't do super old and I can't not find your piece. If I can't get to you, then we can't do this. Sir, I don't know what to tell you. I don't got time to be you, I ain't got time to be going through wrinkles and I've been around enough money or rogues you.

Speaker 1:

I've been around enough money to where you can't just have that.

Speaker 2:

I'm sure, I'm sure. I mean, he can be old, he just can't be.

Speaker 1:

I'm saying I have to be at least attracted to you.

Speaker 2:

I can find some attraction. I can find it and you gonna pay my bills. I ain't never gotta work. You got the most pretty ears I've ever seen, but this is probably the first time where we've had opposite perspectives yeah, cause I definitely do you think that's come from being a stay at home mom having kids now? Just how you think now no, when I was single I felt this way I would have. He just can't be super old and I got to be able.

Speaker 1:

I'm not digging through a bunch of roads.

Speaker 2:

Like I can find something to like about you, Something, man your hands are just you trying to make fun of my kneecaps. Hey, your kneecaps is out here. Bro, Give me that $50,000.

Speaker 1:

That's wild, because I'm like, just the fact that you can pay my bills is not enough for me.

Speaker 2:

Now I will say that if you're not initially attractive to me, it's probably not going to happen because I'm not going to approach you, or let you talk to me because you're so maybe that's the problem. That's why I'm broke, because you're going up to them wrong. I'm trying to talk to cute now. Cute men ain't got no money. It's the ugly men who paying bills. I didn't know that bills. I didn't know that, I didn't know that. Bet you like a lesson now, man Alvin, if this don't work out and you find me with somebody ugly, you know why so a no on spending the block yeah, more than likely unless he had money which they don't, they don't so no in the block.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, more than likely, unless he had money which they don't.

Speaker 2:

They don't. So no, it's a no for me. That is actually a good point. I didn't even realize that. Yeah, if they had money I might track him. You're serious, yeah, because something was there at first, so, and now you got money. Everything changes. We can fix it, we can figure it out.

Speaker 1:

We liked each other at one point I don't give a damn how rich you get, you stink before you stink.

Speaker 2:

No, we're going to figure it out. You got money, oh, you got money, especially if he came up to me flashing, dressed how I like, with money.

Speaker 1:

I will say that's enough change. I'll say if you got money now, like the number, has changed. Yeah, you've got your shit together, but it's still, uh, Nope, not, not for me.

Speaker 2:

I mean I would, but then if I find, out that you are pretty much the same, then bye oh okay, Then nevermind. I was gonna say I think it women have money, then they really did get their shit together. If men have money, they got their shit together, but they just still don't see what the problem was. I can see that, yeah. I can see that it's a no.

Speaker 1:

It's a no, y'all can go ahead tell us how y'all feel about that leave it down in the comments and we might read some of them. I'm gonna read them. She probably, she not she never.

Speaker 2:

I'm gonna laugh at some of them. Definitely gonna do that cause people be funny definitely gonna do that.

Speaker 1:

But alright, so stoners and sobers can agree that they wouldn't spend a block.

Speaker 2:

I really don't think nobody would I mean. I know people have.

Speaker 1:

But I think it's like when you're done, you're done, but that's what I say. Stoners and sobers can agree. Yeah, we together on that one.

Speaker 2:

I accidentally.

Speaker 1:

Pound for unity.

Speaker 2:

I accidentally, I'm back at it, but what's her name who? I'm back at it, but uh, what's her name who? Simone Biles.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, if I would have scrolled, I would have I was about to say oh, we're hiring AV people just real quick, since we about to transition to sports. Oh yeah, and I know this is kind of not hot topic no more all that crap about her husband. You know who her husband is. He's a football player, right? I don't know? Yeah, I believe that's the point. Nobody knows. Yeah, but he on podcast talking about y'all should be referring to her as his wife. Why, nobody knows who you are. He said that yeah, oh man, and she was there. Then she had the nerve to get on social media trying to defend it. I mean.

Speaker 1:

But I get it because you his wife.

Speaker 2:

That's her husband.

Speaker 1:

You know good and well that don't nobody know who this man is I have always said like just me and you can give me your perspective, if I'm in a relationship with somebody, I'm gonna support you in public always for sure, no matter what, even if you're saying the wrong thing and corrects you in private.

Speaker 2:

But he clearly don't feel that way. Huh, he clearly don't feel that way.

Speaker 1:

No, but I'm saying like we don't know if they've had that talk or what happened behind closed doors. So that's why I wouldn't say it, they better have had that talk and the thing is, if she's coming to defend him, they clearly talking behind closed doors. Y'all need to mind your own business.

Speaker 2:

I get that. I just the nerve Like you really got on a public platform. They're public figures and said that you were why she's famous, but no one knows who you are. Did he say that she is why he said that everyone needs to be referring to him, as I don't even know my man's name. Right, I'm going to say Jonathan. I believe his name is Jonathan. I'm quite certain his name is Jonathan. Jonathan sounds like a dickhead. Who would? Say some shit like this Because.

Speaker 1:

You know what's your vagina, jonathan Joe.

Speaker 2:

Joe said that everybody should be saying Joe's wife versus Simone Biles' husband.

Speaker 1:

But does that mean, did he say, I didn't watch?

Speaker 2:

the whole thing. So I don't know. But that translates to I'm famous and you're not.

Speaker 1:

I know it don't be mattering out there to the internet world and y'all like short clips and context yeah, that's what it is, and I probably should have watched the whole thing did he say she's only famous because of me in that sentence?

Speaker 2:

he did in those words watched the whole thing, because that's what I'm saying. Did he say she's only famous because of me?

Speaker 1:

In that sentence he did no, and see that In those words.

Speaker 2:

Probably no? No, he didn't. Probably not, but he said he was the. Now I did see that clip. He said he was the catch and that she would drive 45 minutes to come see him. Like cool, she liked you. Why are you shitting on her?

Speaker 1:

that's not shitting on her, and you know what's crazy when I was asking you if you've ever dated down I feel like I feel like I dated down a lot, but I'm not.

Speaker 2:

I know all of this.

Speaker 1:

Look a mess but I'm not shitting on my exes just saying that I was the catch no, not by saying that.

Speaker 2:

You're the catch, it's the context. There was more being said, but it's like he was making it seem like he had no interest in her. She DM'd him first.

Speaker 1:

I think I've seen what interview you were talking about, but he said he was unaware of who she was.

Speaker 2:

And lies my man. How do you know? You don't know what's coming in? The scope of you. I've never watched the Olympics ever and I've never seen a gymnastic meet ever and I've never seen a gymnastic meet Ever, and I know who she is, but you're also a black woman, and I mean like her, and he's a black man.

Speaker 1:

No, I'm saying for, like her empowerment for women.

Speaker 2:

Oh, I don't know nothing about that. No, I'm saying, there's more ways that would have came across your eyes than his.

Speaker 1:

Once again, if I don't know, I can't say for sure.

Speaker 2:

I mean yeah, he could not know who she was for real.

Speaker 1:

You're right, because I do like figure skating, especially gymnastics.

Speaker 2:

And I don't know none of them. Couldn't tell you Other than what's her name Tanya. I really don't know, and the only reason I don't even know her is because they made a movie about her. I really don't know. Couldn't tell you one figure skater if they came up to me and said they was one. So how can you say that?

Speaker 1:

He's lying. Women. I want you to see how difficult y'all are sometimes he's lying.

Speaker 2:

You can put it right. I gave you every reason why he wasn't lying, but he's lying.

Speaker 1:

And I'm not saying that your perspective is wrong. He could have been saying it 100% like that, but if I don't know, I can't say, and it makes it more of a speculation on him saying it like that when his wife is coming to his defense.

Speaker 2:

I just feel like what I did, like social, like media stuff of her, her team hangs out with a lot of. I think he plays basketball.

Speaker 1:

I don't know.

Speaker 2:

But they hang out with a lot of sports people, which would be obvious. You are a B list player because nobody knows who you are. Your team don't even know if you play for them, like don't don't do my bad, Don't do her.

Speaker 1:

You don't know Even that energy is coming at him and you still have no clue.

Speaker 2:

He is lying. You can't. There would be nothing and I mean it. There is nothing that could convince me that you had absolutely no idea who she was. Like you've never heard her name, nothing. And I'm saying he could have, but if Now, it's fine if you didn't follow her, and you wouldn't.

Speaker 2:

That's just like Raven-Symoné's wife. It did come out, or I guess people twisted her words. What she said is that she didn't watch Thistle Raven growing up. Now I can see that, but she knows who Raven-Symoné is. To get on a platform and be like I ain't never heard of her before. You're lying, raven-symoné. You're lying, you're lying, you're lying. That's what little girls are made of. You don't know her. You're lying, you're lying so.

Speaker 2:

I was happy that she corrected people when she was like no, I know who she was. I just didn't watch Thistle Raisin and I feel that I get it. Some people didn't like Thistle Raisin.

Speaker 1:

I don't know what's wrong with you, but I can't judge my man if I don't know You're a liar. I don't know what's wrong with you, but I can't judge my man if I don't know You're a liar, you tell lies. I can't judge my man if I don't know. But that's.

Speaker 2:

God wanted me to say that because that came up on my screen accidentally, so that was from the Lord.

Speaker 1:

But like when Was it like his body language. I think that's yeah, what was it that was giving?

Speaker 2:

you that impression. It was like he was talking to his friends without her there. Which cool. You're that comfortable and clearly y'all have a good relationship.

Speaker 2:

because you are talking like this in front of her and you know this is about to go out to the world right but it was like like if you hooked up with a girl that you you don't have interest in and you're telling your boys about it, that was the vibe it was given. Like yeah, she'd be driving 45 minutes to come see me. Like sorry, you're a bum and she wanted to see you. Like I don't know what to say. You don't got a car, sir. What am I supposed to do?

Speaker 1:

Why my guy gotta be all that.

Speaker 2:

That's exactly where my mind goes. He could have the world's nicest car, but you talking like the way you talking, and then that's what makes women be like.

Speaker 1:

I don't want to try, because I'll be agreeing with you all the way, up until the point of you a bum.

Speaker 2:

I mean yeah, my man clearly not.

Speaker 1:

But his wife defended him.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I feel that For real, I do.

Speaker 1:

And that be like the bottom line.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, bottom line, because people were saying that too. Bottom line.

Speaker 1:

That be it. People were saying that too, you still talking about it, I'm playing.

Speaker 2:

People were saying that too, you still talking about it, I'm playing people were saying that y'all can't be mad if she's okay with it, which I'm not mad, I'm just like, damn, you don't sound like you love her. That don't sound like love to me. I guess that's where it comes from, like you're lying, but let's get on to a good a list play I don't know what her new last name is. I don't either. I'm a researcher. Though Next week we go ahead.

Speaker 1:

Nope, we can move on, but next week I got you Johnny, Johnny.

Speaker 2:

Johnny Tsunami, no, johnny Bravo.

Speaker 1:

He was the man. I miss cartoons like that man cartoons ain't nothing, hell no.

Speaker 2:

TV ain't nothing.

Speaker 1:

I be hearing about Gabby Dyehouse. I be like what the hell is this?

Speaker 2:

Man. Talena was just watching that the other day, with Vaughn and Gabby's getting older, and I was like they're going to have to change her out soon.

Speaker 1:

See, that's the problem. Johnny Bravo ain't never aged Right. He's the same man the whole time.

Speaker 2:

So what's going on with my man's Edwards?

Speaker 1:

So no sweep happening. And once again, we were talking about him earlier and he's just a humble, very inspiring figure and so even the other night somebody had asked me. They was like who you going for? And I was like who you going for? And I was like, literally strictly because of him, I wanted Timberwolves to win their. What state? Minnesota, okay, minneapolis, okay, minneapolis, minnesota. But I want them to win because I feel like he deserves it. Now I know he got a long career ahead of him. He's going to have well, hopefully he has multiple chances to get a ring or whatnot, and I feel like the Mavs is a better team. Luka and Kyrie together, they're going to do damage. But this his first year. No, I think this his third year.

Speaker 2:

Okay, yeah third year.

Speaker 1:

So you know, even if he played for 10 years, you know you're going to have at least and you're not in your prime, You're going to get better, Right? Because?

Speaker 2:

he's only 22. That's it. That's it. How early do people be playing 18?

Speaker 1:

They used to. I was actually watching Kevin Garnett's documentary the other day. Okay, and he was the first player to come straight out of high school. Okay and so, and you graduated when you were 17,. You probably got to get your parents signature or whatever on the contract, but you could go straight from high school then. Yeah, then they implemented this rule. I think it might've been 2008, 2000. I forgot somewhere around there. But you got to at least play one year of college basketball before you can come out.

Speaker 2:

See stuff like that is dumb. Why I?

Speaker 1:

think I'm ready right now. And you know what's crazy Kevin Garnett like while watching this documentary. He was like I was always good at basketball. I tried hard in school. It just wasn't right for me. And he kept on trying to pass the SATs Because to play for college and get it you've got to have certain scores and he just couldn't pass it. Like he would take it over study. Take it over.

Speaker 1:

Some people just ain't good at remembering stuff and stuff that they don't care about, but he was just giving me a hell of a hard time and my family is broke Like I don't know what the hell I'm gonna do and then I don't know.

Speaker 1:

But uh, one day he was playing pickup ball. He went to the gym, he played pickup ball and he was in chicago, so that michael jordan a bunch of players happened to be there and he was tall, big or ready to go. So they called him around to play a game and isaiah thomas was a gm for I forgot what team at the time, but he saw him playing pickup, hanging with Jordan and Pippen and all these guys, and he was like yo, like you know, you're good enough to play with these guys. He was like you, you could be playing with him soon, Like next week. And Kevin Garnett was like what he was like. What he was like, yeah, straight out of high school you can go. And he was like once I heard that it was a wrap, I'm going straight to the league. And you know what's crazy, the day that he entered the NBA draft, he passed the SAT.

Speaker 1:

You know how mad I would be he was. He was like nah, fuck that, I'm going to the NBA.

Speaker 2:

But he was like mad, like when it mattered I couldn't pass.

Speaker 1:

But that's what I'm saying, Like, if you can.

Speaker 2:

I believe it's dumb too, because you got a chance to change your life Because it's just, school is not for everybody and minus that, forget all that. You could be a perfectly good student and be playing college whatever sport and get hurt. Now I've lost my chance to get into the big league because I had to go to college and I feel like in college it's more likely that you'll get hurt. I don't know why, but just my brain thinks that that the NBA and the FEL don't get hurt.

Speaker 1:

The FEL, the FEL, but no, I agree, because even in college, say, one team, there's only two or three guys who are going to go pro from there, right, so that means everybody that's on the court or everybody that's on the field. They might have an unorthodox way of playing or could not have incentive to fuck you up Because I'm not going pro. Piss me off in the wrong way, and now your career is over. And I'm just saying anything Like piss me off in the wrong way, now your career is over, and I'm just saying anything. Hopefully that never happens.

Speaker 2:

And I can understand if the bigger leagues feel like well, yes, you're good on your high school team, but you've been playing with these same people for so long. How will you play with new people? I get, if you want to see that.

Speaker 1:

But they have combines and stuff like that. But that would be what tryouts and all that stuff would come for.

Speaker 2:

Make me go through that for a year versus.

Speaker 1:

Because he said once he applied for the NBA draft, he went to a workout and Pat Riley was like he walked in. That was the coach of I forgot who at the time Fuck, he's the GM owner of the Heat now, okay. But he walked in and he was like, all right, let's get this shit started. I don't even know why the fuck we're here looking at a high school kid Like let's go. But Kevin Garnett was like oh okay, and showed up.

Speaker 2:

Right. And Pat Riley was like afterwards all right, young fella like and that's it, like if you got it, you got it right. I don't like people like that, though I mean it could, but it could, could, it could have been a strategy.

Speaker 1:

I was gonna say I've learned, especially a guy in that position. I want to see what this does to your mental, because the guys on the other team is going to be like this yeah this bum on the court what we playing for, are you? Gonna run for, oh, my man's gonna be but yeah, I can understand that tactic in that way, and it showed you what he was made of now once again, if it is a high school really make me mad.

Speaker 2:

I just because, like when people be explaining stuff to me about like how it works, I just be like is there no women up there and this got to be all men running everything? I mean it's because somebody's rules, don't be making the majority and that's even getting huge too.

Speaker 1:

Like women are breaking a lot of barriers. Like Becky Hammond she's a head coach in the WNBA now.

Speaker 2:

Oh, that's not who I thought she was about to say. What? Who's the girl that? What isn't there a girl playing right now that's doing really good? Kaitlyn Clark? Okay, I thought it was Becky. I just knew it was a white girl name.

Speaker 1:

But, no, becky Hammond. She used to be a assistant coach on the Spurs that's an NBA team, okay, and like I think it was when Pops coach, or when coach Pops when his wife died or he got sick or something, she stepped up as the head coach and it was like doing well, like, and she started to break down a lot of doors and stuff moved to the WNBA. But that even has been a conversation and I believe it would change some things having those type of heads above a lot of making decisions.

Speaker 2:

I'm just like who made this rule to wait a year? It had to be men. I feel like men are more jealous than they want to admit, especially when it comes to sports.

Speaker 1:

But it'd usually be the ones who ain't not ever going pro. Yeah, it made. No yeah, because I was gonna say I really don't be understanding it when, at least in college basketball, the the pure format of the game is different, like they just played two halves, oh yeah yeah, instead of four quarters. Yeah, I don't. I never understood that either. So how am I supposed to?

Speaker 2:

understand what it would be like playing for the NFL, if you're.

Speaker 1:

If this ain't, even nothing like it Exactly, exactly, and so things like that make me wonder, like I thought that was just certain schools, that's all colleges.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I thought it was like, because I only college games I've been to was Davenport, so I just thought it was like private schools.

Speaker 1:

No, it's all schools, it's all schools. That's dumb and they didn't used to. Well, it's just changed now. They didn't used to want to pay these players at all. Like NCAA games was popular, but they would come out and these players real player stats, real players like this, but they didn't want to pay them for it Right and y'all putting them on TV and stuff and you don't want to pay them and that was a big fight. I thought they were being paid.

Speaker 1:

Now they are. Now they are Because, like, I think, this is the first year. Yeah, this is the first year that NCAA football is coming back. The first year that NCAA football is coming back, the first.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

That they're getting paid. Yep, these guys. Now you can see their name on the back of their jersey. Before that, you just had a player. It's just a generic ass number because they couldn't what, but it's their real stats, it's really them. They would even do motion capture for the games and shit like that.

Speaker 2:

Is that football too?

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, that's BS and all these moms out here. Y'all should have been on that, because that's the thing.

Speaker 1:

If you're forcing me to have to go to college and I can't get, where's the benefits for me? Right, right, because, like you said, it's more risk than anything.

Speaker 2:

And I don't know why my brain believes that I think so, but I do really think it is more risk.

Speaker 1:

Injury is always probable.

Speaker 2:

And because if I'm in the NFL or the NBA I can't get hurt. My mind just knows I can't get hurt. If I'm in college I'll sit out for a year and I can go back and play. But in the NFL, if you gotta sit out for a year and I can go back and play, but in the NFL if you gotta sit out for a year, your chances of getting back on the floor is a little harder than if you just sat out for college.

Speaker 2:

So maybe that's where my brain thinks that the risk is higher. Just because your mentality is not the same. You're not thinking the knowing if I get hurt is not that serious in college. You will get back on the floor once you're healed up oh, I'd say it's more serious you think so yeah, because I feel, like you can, redshirt, and you'll still be but like it's just just injury.

Speaker 1:

Will you be the same player?

Speaker 2:

oh, oh, that I get. I mean that's going to be regardless. But I'm saying, like in the NFL, if you get hurt, oh yeah, your time out, right, you could be replaced. Yeah, that's detrimental, yeah, that's to your whole career For sure. Whereas when just in college it's like, okay, I'm not playing this year.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, college it's like, okay, I'm not playing this year, yeah, I'll play, right, right, because you know who's gonna be, even if more people come in and the pros is super political, like if they I'm hearing some of these sports podcasts and behind the scenes stories and stuff and they got like designated bench players, got like designated minutes. You're not going over 11 minutes in a game. What you can't take over seven shots.

Speaker 2:

Do you know? I would be beyond okay with that.

Speaker 1:

But you're not getting paid like these guys.

Speaker 2:

I don't need to.

Speaker 1:

I don't need to. What about you? You don't even want to play For real. We're talking about people who have a passion for this.

Speaker 2:

I was telling Martinique that I'd be thinking about Lil Brandon and like, I just don't know anybody who had the passion to play like him, like, and he was actually good. I don't know where it went, but I feel like if he really wanted to, he could just get up and do it again and he was actually good. Yeah, I don't know where it went, but I feel like if he really wanted to, he could just get up and do it again. Oh, he probably stood, he probably did, and I don't like and I mean personally I don't know anybody who is that good and with that passion, right, right, because obviously there are people out there, but never seen nothing like him.

Speaker 2:

He was couldn't, you, couldn't, take the ball out of his hand.

Speaker 1:

Yeah and that. No, I haven't seen it like that. Yeah, Like he would literally go everywhere, Right. Like yeah, Kobe, Right, and it's so crazy. Rest in peace B. Once again, it's so crazy. You keep bringing it up. That's so crazy. Rest in peace B. Once again, it's so crazy. You keep bringing it up, that's so.

Speaker 2:

That's not funny.

Speaker 1:

Rest in peace B, it's not, it's not. And you know what's so crazy. He was never my favorite player, but I respected him so much in his mentality.

Speaker 2:

I feel like I only know who he is because of Brandon. Really, yes, Because I mean I don't know nobody, but there's obviously some situation to why I know who certain people are.

Speaker 1:

You should really dive deep into COVID.

Speaker 2:

You know what I would dive into? Anybody that sounded weird, anybody that sounded weird. I would dive into anybody. I would do a deep dive into anybody, yeah, Especially if they have documentaries or if they've been on interviews and stuff, because I do no matter what you do, I'm always interested in how you got there. Like how did you start? Where did that come from? So that when it comes to sports, I can do that, but like watching the game yeah, you got there from this, but I don't care to watch you.

Speaker 1:

It's exciting.

Speaker 2:

Once again, I'm not, it is not exciting. It is Like Figure skating is exciting, like the last game. Do you know how dangerous that is, especially if you were a partner and one of y'all fall?

Speaker 1:

And I honestly do believe, like if you get into any sport it's very interesting, you can really root and cheer for it. I just there's just certain sports that don't pull me, like NASCAR. I just can't See that's probably a sport like it I could watch.

Speaker 2:

NASCAR. But it never comes to my mind, Like when you ask me what kind of sports would you be into? Nascar never.

Speaker 1:

But I can see the appeal of it. I can see people going to the stadiums and watching it. It's just not for me.

Speaker 2:

Now, the one part of NASCAR that don't make sense to me is when they drive the super long. Oh slow. No, they do like I don't know. It's like so many laps they have to do, but it goes on for a really long time. Oh, they do like 200, 250 laps. Yeah, what we doing that for you can't figure out if I'm fast with two laps Like, why do we need to do 200?

Speaker 1:

So I know more. I don't even care about it, I just want to know more about it. It's like how the drivers drive and it is over time because the tires get worn out. That's why they go. It's about your pit crew. It's not just the driver, it's about your pit crew, your car, how it's built, wearing terror on it, all that shit.

Speaker 2:

You can't figure out that my car is good with five laps, two laps, five laps, five laps, ten, ten.

Speaker 1:

Fifty, fifty, but that's drag racing Just straight away, the super, super fast, like they got the lights firing and this thing goes red. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, and then just the. That's what that's for.

Speaker 2:

That's boring. It's a different sport.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I know that's boring that's what NASCAR would be with two laps no why not?

Speaker 2:

cause you can knock somebody out every time. So then we get down to the nitty gritty of who's actually the fastest, that's not how they do it.

Speaker 1:

No, oh, everybody just stays in it yeah, and then whoever finished first is the winner I thought like after say it was 250 laps, like after 50, the last two people they get knocked out, and then after like 100, I don't think so, oh I might be wrong. I don't think so. Oh, I might be wrong, I don't watch that. Well, now, that's yeah. See, that's why I can't get into it and see, that's what I mean.

Speaker 2:

That's what I mean when I say is there no women? Is there no women up making these rules? Because what man sat there and was like yeah, we can do this and we can do this, oh yeah, yeah, sir, all that ain't necessary, you don't need all that.

Speaker 1:

I mean if it's just to make it long well, I think that would definitely be the point, but you can make it more interesting if it's going to be that long, don't they be like days long.

Speaker 2:

Don't the race be days long?

Speaker 1:

I don't think so.

Speaker 2:

Answer the question.

Speaker 1:

Please do, because I don't know. I know they have multiple races over days, like over a weekend.

Speaker 2:

They might have three races, yeah, that's what I'm saying. Like, oh, one event, three races, yeah, and see that ain't necessary. I mean, I don't know.

Speaker 1:

What's basketball? Over seven games, best of seven. Well, when the playoffs come. So basketball you get 82 regular season games Based on those 82 seasons. Say you win 50 games 82 games. Yeah. Say you win 50 of those games, then the next team wins 48, then the next team wins 48, then the next team wins 46, then the 8 from the West and the 8 from the East, they start heading off against each other.

Speaker 2:

But everybody plays the whole time. Yeah, that's dumb.

Speaker 1:

No, no for the regular season.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that's what I'm saying. Only those 16 teams, right. Everybody playing the whole 84 games is dumb. Why you could have two people playing, two teams play Whoever wins that team. The loser team is done. Now they go up against another team. So you want the season to be done in a month. Why does it need to be five years? I don't understand.

Speaker 2:

You can especially over time. Sports wouldn't overlap if they weren't so long, True, but that gives you more to watch. That's how you get kids in high school being like I want to play football and basketball and they can't because they would overlap.

Speaker 1:

You got to figure that out, buddy. That's life.

Speaker 2:

I'm telling you there's an easier way to do this. We don't have to have a six-. We ain't got to be out here confusing the kids. Why does it have to be a six-month season when we can get it done in two weeks? Like this is making no sense. It's a money thing. It's only money, because there is no need to do that. You legitimately could just have the best teams playing, not the loser out.

Speaker 1:

I'm sorry that you were, I mean, but that's what the playoffs is for, because over the 82 games you get the best of those and then really the best of the best, and that's when the best of the seven games start. But that's why I was saying it was exciting, because once you get there you're like game 7 nigga especially if I was really into a team game 7 nigga is that what's about to happen?

Speaker 1:

7? No, a couple of them did happen already, but a game 7. I don't know what that means. So it's the best of 7 series the first team to win 4 games, they move on to the next round. If both of them win three, they got a game seven, but that means it's not been lopsided. That means that somebody it's going to be a good-ass game Like 2016 Cavs Warriors.

Speaker 2:

LeBron Curry Game 7, kyrie it's like the World Series Makes no sense.

Speaker 1:

I'm not a baseball fan, but yeah, seven games, I think it is. I thought it was four you gotta win four, but it's the best of seven series.

Speaker 2:

A bug just tried to go in my nose. It was big in this. It happened to me when I was a kid, for real. Yeah, I heard you used to put stuff up your nose maybe I don't know, but this bug flew up my nose once. I think we was at grandma's house and she called us in to eat and it would not come out, and I just was refusing to go in the house until this bug came out of my nose.

Speaker 1:

Fun fact of the day right, but yeah, out, and I just was refusing to go in the house until this bug came out of my nose. Fun fact of the day Right, but yeah, timberwolves and Mavs, they're going up. So now you know the game seven structure. They're going into game five.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that's what it says. Game five and what's the 3-0?

Speaker 1:

So no team in NBA history has ever come back from a 3-0 deficit.

Speaker 2:

Is that what the Timberwolves is right now?

Speaker 1:

They're 3-1. They just won the last game. They were 3-0. Oh, okay, and so once again, I'm not saying he's got to do it, but it would make for an interesting-ass plot line if they even made it to Game 7.

Speaker 2:

So now you see how that can be important so there's a possibility that they can't make it to game seven, even with three wins.

Speaker 1:

Oh, yeah, like they could just knock them out next game and then four one they move on. But, like, like I was just saying, at the 2016 calves and spurs, they were down three one and no team in NBA history had ever come and these are the finals like the last championship. No team had ever come back 3-1.

Speaker 2:

What team has never played? Is there a team that has never?

Speaker 1:

I'm not sure. I'm pretty sure there is probably a team that never went to the, or probably not never went to the championship, probably not ever won one because, like the Cavs, when they won that that was their very first one.

Speaker 2:

I, if I was a past player on a team that won for the first time, I would call up every team member and be like this is your fault. Especially if I knew I was good, this is your fault. Especially if I knew I was good, this is your fault. We never got there because of you. Just so you know.

Speaker 1:

I got mine, don't I? That's what you get for being lazy.

Speaker 2:

Just know, this was your fault.

Speaker 1:

You're an idiot.

Speaker 2:

I don't know. I don't think I'm going to start watching basketball. I will look into some players, though.

Speaker 1:

Anthony Edwards is a good one.

Speaker 2:

I saw a clip of the. What's his name? Garnett? Yeah, so I knew he had that documentary and I actually had intended to watch it and I forgot about it. Ain't it on Netflix? Probably, yeah, I saw it on Netflix, probably Okay. Yeah, I saw it on something.

Speaker 1:

So I knew it is a really good one.

Speaker 2:

You should check it out, because I'm interested in that stuff and I feel like when Alvin's watching any sports, I'm more asking about stuff like that versus the game.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, but for me, like you, but it transfers for me to the sport. Yeah, like, because now that I've seen Anthony Edwards, like behind the scenes, and like seeing how humble of a kid he is and like just he's hilarious. Funny as that, it makes me want to watch you. And then I see that you're nice on the court too, it do I'm like, oh yeah it do it do?

Speaker 2:

Because it's the same with music kind of kind of, because I find out stuff about beyonce and I'll be like that's really why I don't like her, so so sometimes it translates with music, yeah, but like all that stuff that was coming out about ariana grande and like how whatever scandal she got going on with their relationship I don't know what it was, I don't know either, but I'm really into Ariana Grande right now. She might be a hoe and I clearly am interested in that. That makes me want to listen more and I said it like when you listen to her album, I'm just like this is the most scandalous thing I've ever heard, but I think it was.

Speaker 1:

Talena, she was telling me that there was a bunch of her taking stabs at the album. Yeah, yeah, I was like, ooh, eric, she not built like that, she not cut like that.

Speaker 2:

She was saying some stuff that I'm just like.

Speaker 1:

But I would be like you know, you, the one that broke up.

Speaker 2:

She got a song called I Wish I Hated you, talking about her ex husband because obviously they're no longer together. But within the song she's basically saying like it would have been a whole lot easier to cheat on you or do what I did. I'm not going to say she cheated. It would have been a whole lot easier for me to you or do what I did. I'm not going to say she cheated. It would have been a whole lot easier for me to do what I did if I didn't like you. So you're confessing that he's a good person.

Speaker 1:

Nothing was wrong. You just want to do some grimy shit to me.

Speaker 2:

And I'm all here for it. I'm like, okay, girl sync it up.

Speaker 1:

There's too many women out here for it and I can't stand it.

Speaker 2:

And it makes no sense to me because I've never heard any of her other albums. Not one. I couldn't. I've heard her singles. Yeah, never heard any other album.

Speaker 1:

I mean, there's a lot that goes over my head and past my few that I don't give for another day and I wish I wasn't like that, but at the same time I'm glad that, because there's so much, out there.

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah, for sure, if you tried to keep up with all of it, you would lose it.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it gets. I'll say, at least I'll hear it. I'll be like, oh, that was funny or interesting or something, and then let it go by.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I am that way. I was about to say something about Beyonce. Again, I'll leave her alone. I'll let her live, you're gonna have this one. Did you see that TikTok story, that TikTok story.

Speaker 1:

Who the Fuck Did I Marry? Did you see that? Uh, that tiktok story, that tiktok story. Uh, who the fuck did I marry? I started it, I never finished it.

Speaker 2:

That's me like I'll get into it yeah, I got into it because everybody was talking about it.

Speaker 1:

I don't have the attention to keep up with that type of I just think I didn't care that much.

Speaker 2:

I'm so like I get it, but to me it sounded like and what she said she just ignored, you wasn't paying attention, like.

Speaker 2:

But I was gonna say I I'm more interested, like if my friend came to me with that story I'd be way more right, right, real life more personal, yeah it was just way more you know it's crazy that you say that, because, not that I maybe I don't know, I ain't gonna try to defend it I maybe I don't know. Let's talk about it I think I like drama oh, like I and not like extreme drama, like I'm not trying to see nobody die or go to jail or stuff like that.

Speaker 1:

You like petty drama.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I like. I thought that dog was driving.

Speaker 1:

And I'm the one that smokes y'all, I'm the one that smokes.

Speaker 2:

But I like like say, within a relationship and people say it's healthy to have jealousy within a relationship A healthy amount. Yeah, I want to see a girl flirt with my man Because we going home and I'm. She don't know it, but I'm telling her.

Speaker 1:

Like oh this is what you want but that's what I was gonna say. Like I wouldn't say that's jealousy. Yeah, I would. I would like somebody to see somebody hitting on my woman and even from a distance, like if I'm coming up while it's happening or something, I'm not gonna be jealous or be like right right, but you're right, when we get home and when we get, I'm cussing her out and she don't even know it.

Speaker 1:

No, no, no, Not even that. Nope, I am you wild. Okay, once again I like these, Because maybe this is because I'm smoking Vodkama, but me I'm thinking when we Tonight my strokes is extra deeper.

Speaker 2:

I mean, I get, I get Pause, Minnie, come here.

Speaker 1:

Oh, she got her dog out.

Speaker 2:

Come here, cut it out.

Speaker 1:

I don't even know what I'm saying. Let me pick up from there Deeper, yeah deeper yeah, see me you out, but me it's gonna be like when we get home later that night my stroke's gonna be deeper, just for you, like it's gonna be extra motivation. But isn't, I'm not jealous, no, it's just a reminder.

Speaker 2:

Yeah I'm not. I don't think I would be jealous if I saw it just would be like she thinks she about to get my man like yeah, that's, that's more, and I'm sorry that's how cocky or conceited, but yeah, um, that's exactly right and and like I, if a guy was talking to me and he approached, he would be upset. I don't like that. I want the confident like. So I guess it's not drama, it's like, it's like excite, I don't know, I like that he's upset.

Speaker 1:

No, no, no, no, no. Oh then you don't like drama?

Speaker 2:

yeah, that's what I'm saying. I don't know if it's drama that I like as opposed to just I don't know.

Speaker 1:

I don't know what that would mean are you talking about with your certain partner, or just you like drama or period like how are you?

Speaker 2:

saying I mean, I like hearing about people's drum oh, tell me the teeth like maybe you do like drama I might like drama, yeah, but I'm like within my relationship I don't want us fighting because somebody's talking to me gotcha like, but it is drama you like the tension? Yeah, like I like yeah yeah, I, but because it is kind of like if I was watching that in a movie, like, ooh, what he gonna do so it is kind of yeah, I like drama.

Speaker 1:

I got a problem and but once again I don't at least the initial part. Like going home yelling at him all that shit. No, no, no, not yelling at him like all that shit.

Speaker 2:

No, no, no, not yelling at him Like in my brain.

Speaker 1:

She getting cussed out Gotcha, gotcha, yeah what you think you about to get my man?

Speaker 2:

Do you see what he doing to me?

Speaker 1:

Gotcha Like. See, my thought is, I'm not even thinking about him.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Like because I'm like I know you have no chance. Yeah, I'm coming up with the illest smile. I'm like what's?

Speaker 2:

up baby, and maybe too, that's like because that don't even happen. There's never been a time that me and him have been out and somebody tried to talk to me.

Speaker 1:

It happens to me all the time.

Speaker 2:

Talk to you or talk to her. Talk to me, yeah.

Speaker 1:

I can see that and I've never.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I'm on the same. I'm on that too. I said it's never happened, but there actually recently was a time that somebody was kind of flirting with me and he didn't like it very much and it made me mad that he didn't like it, Cause it's like I guess my thing is, it's how you react to it.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, like, cause I guess the tension don't even matter to me. Yeah, no, it don't matter to me. But it's how you react, cause every time that's what I was going to say I've never had a girlfriend who's been as secure as me. Yeah, for sure. And so every time they see it, they either come snatch me away or they will say something to me in front of them, like trying to make it seem like I'm going after them.

Speaker 2:

You don't think the nurse was as secure as you.

Speaker 1:

But that's what I was going to say, Maybe because she that's what I was, like she was.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I would say she was.

Speaker 1:

She was secure enough. For sure she didn't mind.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and she did it. She would like, but she would get hit on too. Yeah, and she was, so we knew.

Speaker 1:

We had that mutual understanding that we're good looking people. Right right, but all the rest of them. And I'm like, because I remember telling you that I heard her tell somebody she was your wife and that, like all the other girls snatching me away, that shit is annoying. But the way that she handled it I was like, girl, you getting fucked tonight, but that's what.

Speaker 2:

I'm like if you see somebody flirting with me, why wouldn't it make you feel good? Like damn, I did get a good one. Instead, you want to start a problem with me, and that ain't the drama I'm looking for you in the wrong book, sir, but that's what I meant about the safe guy.

Speaker 1:

He's most likely going to get upset.

Speaker 2:

But me.

Speaker 1:

I'm me, I'll be like this is a chance for us to get interesting. Yeah, this is a chance for us to get flirt, and I also want that type of partner, though yeah, I don't want somebody that's insecure, because the thing is, I'm with you, right, I want you right and also like there was a, a woman that complimented me one time and it was the craziest situation.

Speaker 2:

she was walking like we were adopting her and, uh, this lady just kept. I wouldn't say she was following me, but I could see her watching me right and before I left she was like I just wanted to tell you you are really pretty, like you are gorgeous. I looked a hot mess, so you don't see many people women.

Speaker 1:

No, it made you feel good, no lie.

Speaker 2:

It did, it did. We got in the car and I was like did you hear what that lady said? And he was like no. So I told him and he started laughing. I was like it. So I told him and he's um, he started laughing. I was like it just feels good when a because she wasn't ugly. Yeah, it feels good when a good-looking person tells you you look good and he started going on about this girl that liked him and that's not an opportunity to talk about that my guy.

Speaker 1:

I'm just like you are on the road.

Speaker 2:

It wasn't even about that my guy.

Speaker 1:

I'm just like you are on the Thanks for stealing my shine.

Speaker 2:

It wasn't even about that, it was just you're not getting it Reading the room. Yeah, and.

Speaker 1:

I watched that thing, did you? Yeah, that was a perfect transition, because some people don't be reading the room At all. Like, how could you hear that and think this is an opportunity for you to talk?

Speaker 2:

about somebody who likes you. This girl don't like me. She just wanted to give me a compliment, like yeah, I don't even know this woman and I'll never see her again, but you took that opportunity to let it be known that you were flattered by somebody liking you and that's not the same. That's not the drama I'm looking for.

Speaker 1:

I would have been more like you probably would have been happier if you was like this gay dude. Hit on me, right or?

Speaker 2:

some random lady said something yeah, but you're talking about how this girl talking about if you wasn't married, I'd be. All that's rude and disrespectful, and for you to repeat that to me, me is like read the room, sir yeah, I feel that.

Speaker 1:

So, yeah, making that transition, it was this tiktok she sent me. She was like, sometimes like some people just don't know how to read the room and there was this guy who was giving financial advice on how to help your kids basically get a head start in bank accounts and saving and you setting them up for financial success. But long story short, his math ended up being like pay your kid $300 a month, no matter what your income is, make sure you set that aside for your kids to set them up. And even when I was watching that, I understood what you're saying. I'm like, bro, especially for you to have any sort of platform Right, at least add the asterisk of, if you can.

Speaker 2:

Right or the equivalence to what will work for your income, because everybody don't get it.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

I look like setting aside $1,200. I have four kids. $1,200 a month, that is my rent. What do you mean, sir? So I'm supposed to be homeless because these kids need $300 a month?

Speaker 1:

No, it's like, and I feel like it's really really important with people. I don't know how big his platform is.

Speaker 2:

I don't even think it's. I think he was on somebody's podcast, which makes it even worse Because you're not reading the room. People who are listening to finance podcasts don't have good finances.

Speaker 1:

But and I was just going to, I wouldn't. I don't know about that, but I was just going to say that's dangerous.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, but I was just going to say that's dangerous. Yeah, you are putting people in a situation that they probably won't be able to crawl out of, because they think in this expert?

Speaker 1:

no, what are you talking about? And at the end of the episode you're probably trying to sell them your course or like To put more money in your pocket. And I'll be being able to cut through all that like understanding that you don't know how to read the room as soon as he said it. Able to cut through all that like understanding that you don't know how to read the room as you're just.

Speaker 2:

You said it sounds like you're reading off a note card, or just you heard something obnoxious like that and thought maybe I should repeat that but my thing is, even if it had made sense or if it wasn't asinine to people's budgets, what is three hundred dollars a month gonna do for anybody? Because my man said buy a property, what property you getting at the end of the year on three hundred dollars a month?

Speaker 1:

I mean I, I mean I get with yeah, I don't know, I actually I, and it's not you getting a big property, you getting a trap. It's not gonna be big property. You get it, you get in a box, necessarily, and then you're going to have to put more money into it too, and so, once again, you're not you didn't really think this through. Once again, that's in the course Right and he probably is selling.

Speaker 2:

The course probably do make sense, but it's like you can think that through yourself, right, and I truly believe that people don't give their intelligence enough credit.

Speaker 1:

Right, because the way that we can put that together right here and there, it's only going to take you a couple minutes. And I mean, even if Google is real, information is out there, you can research and figure things out. Information is out there, you can research and figure things out.

Speaker 2:

It just be making me mad when people say stuff like like there was another girl on TikTok who in her parents' swim pool talking about just move back home with your parents, it's so much cheaper and easier. Everybody's parents don't have a childhood home, manny, manny, manny don't have a childhood home. Many, many, many Come here.

Speaker 1:

Come here, I'm going to have to go, yeah.

Speaker 2:

I'm not bringing you back. I thought I was trying to help you. You're not listening. Everybody's parents don't have that childhood home that you grew up in and even if they do, it ain't got a swim pool and they might be struggling to keep it. How run down do you know? Like, why would you get on a public platform where most people are talking about? I need help with my bills and struggling and starting to come to the realization that we pay in these celebrities while we out here broke? This is the message that's on TikTok and you get on here talking about just move back home, it's easier. Okay, I'll take my husband and my four kids and move back to my parents' house, but you don't even know people's dynamic with their parents.

Speaker 1:

You don't know how family works over there. You don't know. Like you're not aware of everybody's situation, You're not putting that out there. That, okay, I know I might not know everybody's situation, but maybe this could be a solution for you.

Speaker 2:

Because y'all not saying, if you can, that's really the biggest problem. Y'all getting on this public and that's what I was saying earlier. Context matters, right, if you are on a public platform, you need to make it clear that you are aware of the fact that everybody can't do what you about to say, like, use your brain, read the room. Yeah, and the thing is people out here losing their jobs. There are people who are, and these are parents. These are the parents. You telling people to go live with they losing they jobs that they didn't have for years on top of years. That would make somebody think, well, I can go back and live with my mom cause she had this great job for so long. That great job is gone.

Speaker 2:

The pandemic then changed everything. A lot of shit. Just like Walmart don't want to be 24 hours, no more people is losing their jobs. That's a bunch of third shift jobs that's now gone. And just real quick to all these stores that were 24 hours and are no longer 24 hours. You do realize that that made the pandemic worse, right? Because you forced everybody to be in the store at the same time, at the same time, while you thought you was helping the situation. You heard it more than ever Everybody should have went to 24 hours. Yeah, everybody should have went to 24 hours. Now I got to shop at 8 o'clock in the morning, because 3 o'clock in the morning is no longer an option.

Speaker 1:

Everybody who used to do it at three is waiting until eight o'clock it would literally be like five people in an entire Walmart.

Speaker 2:

That's the safest time for me to be going to the store.

Speaker 1:

Okay, I do agree with you because I saw this interview with Carmelo Anthony and he was saying because of how famous him and La at the time when they were married, they were like we got to go grocery shopping at three, four in the morning because we don't want to get stopped if we don't want to ain't nobody shopping that?

Speaker 2:

late, I get that now I will say that if everybody had went 24 hours there may have been increased crowds, but it definitely wouldn't have been what I was experiencing trying to shop at four o'clock in the afternoon.

Speaker 1:

And I still don't like the way y'all acted over toilet paper.

Speaker 2:

Like, what did y'all think was about to happen?

Speaker 1:

But why was toilet paper? And why was it toilet paper? You can't eat that, you can't live off of it, you can't even make a fire off of toilet paper. Y'all acted over toilet paper.

Speaker 2:

I never understood that.

Speaker 1:

I'm never going to forget that.

Speaker 2:

It should have been light bulbs. Y'all was acting like that over Toilet paper.

Speaker 1:

Oh, and the other TikTok. Yo, pauly and Vinny, really, really was digging black the chocolate, the chocolate. I will say, when I first heard it I was like they lying, I the chocolate, the chocolate.

Speaker 2:

I will say, when I first heard it I was like they lying. I thought they were lying because and no hate, but Vinny gives off, don't put me around, no black woman I really believed.

Speaker 1:

Because he was the one with the most, to me, the most swag and style.

Speaker 2:

Vinny yeah.

Speaker 1:

Oh, no, no, no no.

Speaker 2:

Paul, you thinking of Paul?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I was thinking of Paulie D.

Speaker 2:

Vinny gives off. I don't want, no, I need Well.

Speaker 1:

No, because the low cut.

Speaker 2:

Initially. Yes, I'm like ain't keeping a fresh line with it too.

Speaker 1:

I'm like there's got to be a black guy and he's keeping a fresh line with it too.

Speaker 2:

I'm like there's got to be a black guy that does that.

Speaker 1:

I think the producers did a really good job of making it seem like yeah, at the end of the day I would have never thought that they were that into black women, but they were even saying like they were shooting some episodes they would try to bring them home and the producer's like nope, find somebody else.

Speaker 2:

Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey hey. Let me holler at you for a second, but it's good to know that they possibly got those girls' numbers and probably kept in touch with them, or did, whatever they— I had a real connection with them Right or did whatever they wanted to do.

Speaker 1:

Shout out to my black queens, because y'all out here killing it, everybody be trying to stun y'all. We all know, and I mean when I say we all, it's the whole world we all know y'all is the standard.

Speaker 2:

We got the whole world in our hands.

Speaker 1:

We got the whole world. You know what's crazy Me and Toledo was talking about my past relationship Well, just my past period and I was like there was Quit doing this.

Speaker 2:

You're going to stop that. My past there we go my.

Speaker 1:

Way back when.

Speaker 2:

Let's talk about my past. Oh, it was you now.

Speaker 1:

But we was talking about how I had an era where I was messing with white girls and like at least majority of them were that, and I was like, looking back, I'm like what was I thinking?

Speaker 2:

Was it just the trend?

Speaker 1:

I feel like it and I won't say trend, I don't want to make it seem like y'all aren't a trend. Yeah, as soon as I said it.

Speaker 2:

I was like that's going to come off disrespectful. But I do mean that because it really was like heavily a trend, but that's what I was going to say.

Speaker 1:

I don don't think it was a trend, at least where I was at and what I was around. I think it was the environment, especially us. We moved out of the hood and especially at the time when we landed at EK or where I went to high school at, it was majority white.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I agree, and so from the pickings.

Speaker 1:

And I'm not going to lie, it kind of hurt my feelings. What?

Speaker 2:

Black girls wasn't fucking with me, then I say that all the time.

Speaker 1:

Black girls was not fucking with me then.

Speaker 2:

Now black girls. We need to talk because that is a thing.

Speaker 1:

It kind of fucked me up. It is, I was shorter then I had and I'm not going to lie, I was kind of fucking I mean, I feel like for your age you were never short.

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah, I was, you think so?

Speaker 1:

yeah, for sure maybe yeah, I mean I had a no, I had a good growth spurt, thank god, but no, I was. And fun fact of the day. Yeah, first, even I didn't grow until my senior year. Like I wasn't tall until my senior year. You know why I knew that. That's when black girls started fucking with me, like I kept on hearing I'm not going to lie, height does a lot and they kept on saying, like when did you get so tall?

Speaker 2:

I was like oh, height definitely does a lot. Fuck it with a nigga, especially if girls are having sex.

Speaker 1:

Height does a lot. It started to change for me Like, once again, thank God for the hype, because I started messing with more black women and they started and y'all are something. Oh my gosh, and I really mean, and that's, we're the chocolate and that's no. And I've been with what everybody needs. I've been with Hispanic, I've been with Asian.

Speaker 1:

I've been with white you have, I will say that you're very, but black women, oh my God, shout out to y'all. But I mean Talia was talking about like I could never once again nothing against y'all you couldn't go back white. No no.

Speaker 2:

You're still black and never go back. It's true for both ways. I thought it was just men.

Speaker 1:

No, it's true for both genders. Good to know. Like I was telling you about most reasons, I don't want to put it out there like that, yeah, yeah, yeah. Water, yeah I, pure water. All the black women like my prom night, senior night, once again black women started fucking with me. Shout out to you, you know who you are. She texted me afterwards. She was like I've never had LSS.

Speaker 2:

Your prom date.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, after I dropped her off, we didn't stay the night, we got a hotel room.

Speaker 2:

You had sex with her, yeah.

Speaker 1:

Oh, you know who that?

Speaker 2:

was yeah, oh yeah, I believe.

Speaker 1:

So, yes, yes, yes, so yes, yes yeah, yeah, yeah, really, and it was great and she's tiny, it was a man and I mean we was all. We didn't even get to finish. That's how long we were going. Uh, diate had to get to the crib. Sorry, I just buzzed him out, but he had to get to the crib so we had to stop. But he had to get to the crib, so we had to stop.

Speaker 2:

He had to get home on prom night, but she had to text me afterwards and I dropped the truck off with Ashley. I was using her truck shout out to Ashley she's always her house is the party house but she texted me afterwards like I've never had LSS before and I'm like what?

Speaker 1:

I was thinking the same thing. She was like leg shaking syndrome.

Speaker 2:

That's it, we're done.

Speaker 1:

But even there's like the way she was talking about sex and the positions.

Speaker 2:

She had had sex.

Speaker 1:

But that's what I'm saying. That is so funny and that's what changed it for me.

Speaker 2:

I was like this is what I've been missing out.

Speaker 1:

Because I didn't lose my virginity to a black girl Me either and it my first couple were white, but once I had her I was like I'm lying, I did oh I did. Good for you. I'm ashamed of me now.

Speaker 2:

I did lose my virginity to a. Now I've seen you evade another one to a black guy.

Speaker 1:

I completely forgot it was the murderer yo, we gotta, we gotta find a different name for that man, cause that's nice he is.

Speaker 2:

He is the murderer. You did it. You shouldn't have did that you did. You could've did. You could've just cut him or just shot him. He is the murderer. You did it. You shouldn't have did that you did?

Speaker 1:

You could have just cut him or just shot him.

Speaker 2:

You didn't have to kill him.

Speaker 1:

But like anybody in my past, if you haven't had no black in you, now I can look back and be like and I mean I'm dead, I'm dead ass.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I actually did not think that I was going to. I am surprised that I did lose my virginity to a black person because, you know, my first boyfriend was white and, for real, I thought he was going to be my first happy. He wasn't, um, cause I mean murderer didn't know what he was doing. I didn't know that at the time, obviously, because he was my first, but then my second was a mixed guy and Did you really just stop that? And yeah, murderer was out the picture. He mixed with black, black and white.

Speaker 1:

yeah, he was black and white so and he had a black mom. Oh yeah, okay, so the, the the top of your list, are back. Yeah, yeah, for sure. So we're in agreement that.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I think my third was black.

Speaker 1:

That's all I I'm lying, I'm lying. I gotta stop laughing, but it's once again because I'm well-traveled.

Speaker 2:

Yeah. And there's not always black women around.

Speaker 1:

But I'll get the closest thing to it.

Speaker 2:

You gotta have melanin in your skin. If I was traveling during the time of me exploring, I don't think that I would have had as many black partners. Oh wow, Unless I was going to a lot of black countries.

Speaker 1:

Okay, I agree with that. I agree with that.

Speaker 2:

But I think I would have Because I really want to go to Africa.

Speaker 1:

But even like the French girl, she was black yeah. I'm looking for.

Speaker 2:

I think melanin? Yeah, I think I am too, or was, I'm still looking no, I'm really, because I it's just something about them.

Speaker 1:

I'm still looking. No, I feel it, cause I, it's just something about them his first was white, mine was too. Alvin's first was white and once again, nothing to get to and I've had some white women that are.

Speaker 2:

Darnell's first was white.

Speaker 1:

I've had some white women that are good, but there still ain't no comparison to my white partners were Sorry Ass, like how y'all got kids.

Speaker 2:

I'm like I don't. And one of them has kids with a black woman. Like how she just must have been having the worst sex of her life.

Speaker 1:

And now I'm not going to act like I haven't heard bad stories about black men. Oh for sure. I mean murderer was black, but I'm just like damn.

Speaker 2:

When I say he didn't know what he was doing, cause he was great size, Like you had the package, but you just didn't know how to deliver it. That's a lot of it, and it's like how, and. And most of my partners were older than me. So if you've already been having sex, why don't you know what you're doing? Has no one told you that this was not good? Because I told him Apparently not. I told him as you should Like. I mean, I wasn't rude, I wasn't like damn.

Speaker 2:

That was a piece of shit, but it was like because he I mean now I will say he asked me how I felt about it and I was like I wouldn't be mad if we never do it again that one would strike the heart if a woman ever. I didn't feel like that was a bad answer. I thought I was being nice, oh. I'm going home and crying and he was like what you mean?

Speaker 1:

And I was like I know I gotta I'm either gonna be too scared to ask, but it was my first time, so really I'm thinking that he's thinking like I just wouldn't want to do it again.

Speaker 2:

But I don't know. Nobody's first time is good, right.

Speaker 1:

Wait, you talking gender-wise. I'm talking anybody.

Speaker 2:

Nobody's first time is good, right, mine was, was it? I mean, I don't know why it would be bad for a guy, but you know what's crazy?

Speaker 1:

I was the late one of my friends to lose a virginity Me too, of my friend group or whatever.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, me too.

Speaker 1:

And so I always kept on hearing oh, your first time you're going to bust quick, your first time you're going to bust quick, two Like two, three minutes, you go. I lasted like a good 15, 20 minutes and I was like I don't know if that's her thing, I don't know if it was Was she Was it her first time?

Speaker 2:

No, okay, no, then that could be it. She could know how to maneuver to make sure that that didn't happen for her.

Speaker 1:

And I was like but it wasn't like that. And so I guess, from there, for me, I was like I can't listen to what these things say, yeah, and from there I'm just, I'm trying to learn for myself.

Speaker 2:

Because that's how I felt with my friends.

Speaker 1:

But I'm at least making it sexy yeah. I felt like they were talking about it so much and I knew that they were doing it that I'm just like my life's about to change and it was once again. It was good, but it wasn't life changing.

Speaker 2:

But I went back and I'm like I don't get the hype. I don't understand why you're doing this. That sucks. I'm not sure why you're risking your life for this, because STDs like what are we doing here?

Speaker 1:

That was the feeling that I had. I was going to say I've never gotten a bad review and if I have, it's never been said Me either. It's never been said to me.

Speaker 2:

You would think a bird just died, Like what is going on.

Speaker 1:

But yeah, I've never had a bad review, but if I did, it's never been said to me. You just tell him, man, I wouldn't be upset if it.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, if we never did it again I'd be okay. I just don't what should I have said, because it was my first time, so I don't know why it wasn't good, it just wasn't.

Speaker 1:

So if we never do this again, then I would have said that I like maybe it wasn't good because it was my first time, but I really didn't get the hype of what everybody was talking about you know what maybe, but that's what threw me off was he would go down on me before we had sex Multiple times, like he had done it multiple times.

Speaker 2:

So I'm like really now getting hyped, like all my friends are saying that this stuff is good. He's talking me up like you gonna have.

Speaker 1:

And I'm just like. But then we get there and you just this is why y'all need to stop lying Like don't fake it, I'm just like, but then we get there and you just this is why y'all need to stop lying Like don't fake it.

Speaker 2:

I'm never going to lie to anybody, especially about that Good.

Speaker 1:

But clearly somebody loves yeah, somebody. But that's how I be feeling about women, like I don't know. Maybe, thank God, I've been blessed enough to look decent, and so women that are considered good looking or fine their head be so big, like they could just get anything. I'd be like who the fuck were you dealing with before you think so. Who lied to you? Yeah, and that's what I'm saying about these women, but it be gross. For him to get to you and you talking this good.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, right, right. I lied to you, right, because my thing is as I, and maybe I was being delusional, but as you, being older than me, you've done this multiple times.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

I know for a fact that you've had at least two partners before me. Right, I'm expecting you to be so accommodating, talking me through this, making this fun for me, keeping me relaxed, and and that's why I say I feel like I attract assholes, because it seems like anybody even though I've had not had a bad sex life anybody that has wanted to have sex with me it has legitimately been for you to get off Like there's never been any. How can I make this good for you? Right, and I don't know what that is I was going to say. Do I come off like I don't care, like like? Do I appear to people like?

Speaker 1:

No, I think it's the man. I think it's the man Because I'm not going to lie like I don't tell a lot of people this story. You just don't tell the whole world I was going to say so, y'all lucky, but have you ever taken somebody's virginity?

Speaker 2:

No, okay, I want to. That's weird. I would have liked to.

Speaker 1:

So my second partner I took her virginity and that's how I was. I was like we can go as slow as you want to. If you want to stop, let me know. And so even when we started she said it hurt. Obviously, obviously no, because it's the first time, because of me.

Speaker 1:

Maybe seven to ten minutes into it, she was like is it okay if we stop? She was like I want you to stay with me, can you just hold me though, and she was crying is it okay if we stop? Like she was like I want you to stay with me. Like can you just hold me though? And she was crying and like baby cried to it. Like it was a real beautiful moment, like right, it was like I feel like, at least, if you're taking somebody's, yeah, for sure even if a woman is taking she wasn't un-gentle with me my first time like she was like.

Speaker 1:

She was very like. She took control of the situation.

Speaker 2:

She knew what she was doing. I just feel like and it could be something that I'm doing or saying to men to make them think that I don't need that like comfort.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Maybe I'm coming off like I got this.

Speaker 1:

I mean, you was talking about you. Just if I see you, we get it.

Speaker 2:

I mean, during that time I didn't care. My whole phase was one for the books.

Speaker 1:

But was it right? After your first one partner, my whole phase.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, no, no, no, no, no Because you were late in the game.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I was After you and then after me.

Speaker 2:

I was 18. Yeah, and that's a shame that that's late, by the way.

Speaker 1:

Right, right. We need to boost our standards. I'm all for virginity and celibacy.

Speaker 2:

Right, but I think it was. So I had lost my virginity and then I had another guy that I was just messing with. He was not my boyfriend. And then I finally had sex with my first boyfriend, so it was three people. And then the guy who got me pregnant, so it was four people. After him is when I went on the whole phase.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, because I'm really upset. I never had one. I'm mad that mine didn't last. I guess not, because I guess, since the time that I've been single, I'm not just getting it in all the time, but that's when I I would say right now, I've had a good. I'm not just getting it in all the time, but that's when I I would say right now, I've had a good variety.

Speaker 2:

No, my whole phase was what you think when you think whole phase.

Speaker 1:

And you know what's crazy. I always, I don't know dudes just be gassing at once. But I also never listen to the shit, but they would. Once I turned 18, started clubbing could go out, especially 21, like getting drinks and shit. It wasn't as hype as people made it seem like the bachelor lifestyle.

Speaker 2:

It wasn't it wasn't during my clubbing days, so my clubbing was I had boyfriends when I was clubbing um it I I would go to some house parties and stuff, but most of the people that I'm it people from my job, uh, sometimes from the club. I don't, it was like one person was from the club. I don't think I uh.

Speaker 1:

Oh, you know what? Nah, okay, nope, I can't even say that, nope, nobody from the club.

Speaker 2:

One person was from the club for me Nobody from the club and he didn't understand the assignment.

Speaker 1:

You are a hoe, that's all we hear, especially if I'm bringing you from the club. We both know what this should be.

Speaker 2:

Stop trying to talk to me, leave me alone. That's crazy and that's I think. Some people think if they're talking to a lot of people, they're going through a whole phase. No, I was actually being a hoe.

Speaker 1:

I believe that. I think that's a whole phase. You just trying to hit and go for all.

Speaker 2:

I was being a man. That's what I'm thinking a whole phase I was being a man.

Speaker 1:

I've always wanted to have one of those, but I've never had that and you can say whatever you want to say.

Speaker 2:

I was, I had gotten pregnant with a guy and he when I ended up having a miscarriage, and when the miscarriage happened he disappeared, like we didn't go through that together. I was trying to figure out life like, are we together still? Are you? Like you think you dodged a bullet? Like, yeah, yeah, do I think that's what put me into my whole face for sure? Okay, 100 I, because when he disappeared, I started calling the guy that I was sleeping with, who I was never dating he just in between boyfriends. I was sleeping with him. Okay, he was just always on call, gotcha.

Speaker 1:

I've never even had that. No, I'm lying. Everybody's had an on call, Don't don't.

Speaker 2:

If I've had an on call, everybody's had an on call. I'm lying, I've had that.

Speaker 1:

And he wasn't trying to. In every city I've lived in it's nice. I was really about to say I've never had that. That's crazy, my bad.

Speaker 2:

I had called him because I'm like fuck this shit, like this guy done, disappeared. So I start calling him and he on some I'm trying to be in a relationship and he on some I'm trying to be in a relationship.

Speaker 1:

Get away from me Now. You're a failure at what you need.

Speaker 2:

Don't call me no more, because you've now lost the assignment.

Speaker 1:

You're a disappointment nigga.

Speaker 2:

So, yeah, it really is him who pushed me into my whole thing. He wasn't available, he wasn't trying to give up the beat.

Speaker 1:

So now, here we go.

Speaker 2:

So now I got to go find somebody.

Speaker 1:

But I was like watching all these TV shows and seeing single people go through it and navigating their whole, and I'm like yeah man, yeah I.

Speaker 2:

When people be talking shit about stuff like that, like how people try to talk about Kim Kardashian. First of all, ray J was her boyfriend, right? And even if he wasn't, that was consensual sex. That was what she wanted to do and what is wrong now? By no means do I think the whole world should have been seeing you have sex, but do you boo Like it just don't make sense to me that everything that it is weird that people want to make it public. But even because it's public, why do you feel like now that's grounds for you to start talking shit? And you do it? You have sex.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that's not the like that does not make sense to me. News or something, come on, I'm like. You know. They're not the first person with this right just like with gay people.

Speaker 2:

Why is it that? Because they're having sex a different way than you do you have to come out that it bothers you right like, but why does it matter to you? Yeah, I don't. I don't get the announcement either.

Speaker 1:

But but that's why I've never understood, like, why do you feel like you got announced? Because people obviously care, but why?

Speaker 2:

Because they have that question, or they say straight people don't have to come out, you don't have to either. Nobody told you you had to.

Speaker 1:

The thing is you can bring your party out, just like a straight person would.

Speaker 2:

You can take a picture with them, just like a straight person, because y'all have made communities where you can meet each other, just like straight people have, so there is no reason for you to come out.

Speaker 1:

That is just a choice. Will people make a big deal of it? For sure, I mean some people. But some people will make a deal about interracial relationships.

Speaker 2:

They will make a big deal about anything. So you just got to know that and I'm absolutely cool with that. Yeah, I just think people's mindsets sometimes need to change. Oh for sure, Don't call me a hoe because I had a hoe phase.

Speaker 1:

And you probably had one too.

Speaker 2:

And I might be a hoe. I don't even hear it, though.

Speaker 1:

If I had a hoe phase, I'm okay with saying it.

Speaker 2:

You ain't calling me nothing. I don't know.

Speaker 1:

I think so too. But even like I was saying, I was about to get married and didn't have a whole face, but even just I still haven't had a whole face, but even, just like I said, the experience sexually that I've had, like I think that I'm well more equipped even to choose a lifelong partner.

Speaker 2:

I'm sincerely upset that mine didn't last as long as it should have. Mine was literally like two months, and that's not long enough.

Speaker 1:

I don't know how long it should be it should be like a year.

Speaker 2:

You should and I'm not saying every, because I was on some wild shit. I may have not had intercourse with you, but I was being sexual with a lot of people, right, and by no means do I think people should do that and you should be safe. I was being safe, you should be safe, but for a year you should definitely be like your appetite should be set up.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, but it's so. Then how often would you say you should be having sex in a whole phase?

Speaker 2:

In a year, because I wasn't doing it that much. I mean, it was a lot for the fact that I hadn't been having sex that much before my whole phase, the fact that I hadn't been having sex that much before my whole phase. But in a year I would say like maybe 12 people.

Speaker 1:

To one of them up, yeah.

Speaker 2:

And you can.

Speaker 1:

I was trying to hit 100 in a year 100?

Speaker 2:

That's a whole life. That's not a whole phase.

Speaker 1:

Nah, in a year, that's a whole life. That's not a whole phase. Nah, in a year, that's a whole life. But you know that's crazy, that's a whole phase. I was trying to hit 100 in a year, I mean.

Speaker 2:

I still don't see nothing wrong with that, oh okay, I just think, like, cause some people just aren't that comfortable. So if you can do one person a month and you can repeat, yeah for sure, obviously, I mean throughout the year, go back and forth between these 12 people, I think most in a year I did is like three people me too but you said you were short. No, no no, but even still the most partners I've had in years like for real.

Speaker 1:

For real and besides this previous intermission of maybe like a year, I've been single for.

Speaker 2:

I'm lying. You're right, it was more than three.

Speaker 1:

I've been single for almost like nine years. Right, it's time fly and you're not having sex no, I'm saying I've never gotten over three people in a year. I thought you said you wasn't having sex, but that's what I and that's what I say.

Speaker 2:

I have a healthy sex life and I mean, like you know, I would have found a sex club for you to go to nine years. I've been to one in New Zealand, I want to go to one they wild and I've.

Speaker 1:

I've heard that it's really good for relationship, like to go together but even that's why I was going to say this brief intermission every year, like even when I went over to see she was like it's, I understand, we're going to be away from each other for a while, so I don't want you to feel like you can't or I'm like you know what baby, you the one you, you just might be you know what, and I might even that sorry, sorry, no, you good, but even that kind of made me not want it as much oh, for sure like she became so much more sexier than me.

Speaker 1:

I was like I can't wait to get home to you and, once again, water.

Speaker 2:

I was just about to say because you said she's water. Yeah, I feel like loyal women have the best sex. Nope, no.

Speaker 1:

Told you I was about to get married.

Speaker 2:

She was loyal. True, I'm just saying Nope, nope, told you I was about to get married. She was loyal. Uh, true, I'm just saying Moving on.

Speaker 1:

Now, uh, be real with yourself. Yeah, I actually do agree. Do you think she was?

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

No. I mean no no, but I was going to gonna say I do agree, because like um, the nurse? Yeah, her, and that could have been because of her body she had a begging body.

Speaker 2:

But her, and she's the type like don't talk to me when I got a nigga right, she is very loyal and I think that comes a lot from her parents, just their, relationship.

Speaker 2:

They taught her very well, like do what you want but be a good person Like I can just see that in them. So shout out to the nurse's parents. I agree, I can agree, I just I know I have my flaws, but to a T I am a very loyal person. And I have my flaws, but to a T I am a very loyal person and I have never had anybody be like trash.

Speaker 1:

But I believe that could be a psychological thing. Probably these allergies are getting wilder, these little flurry things. You know, it's uh possible to develop allergies later in life yeah because that's what's happening to me and I don't like it. I used to make fun of you I think it's possible to develop anything later in life. But no, that's what I was gonna say. I think because of that characteristic in this cerebral, like they make sure it's good for whoever they're with.

Speaker 2:

And it's just the relaxation that you have and I believe being a black woman, yep.

Speaker 1:

Because once again, y'all queens out there and no black no, I don't know why.

Speaker 2:

I thought, did I thought?

Speaker 1:

I don't know, but no black. I'm like it's a lot of shit started making sense to me.

Speaker 2:

Yeah yeah, because I we can compare women. So Because I we can compare women.

Speaker 1:

So the first girl that I was with was black and for sure, like Yo, it's something you remember when we was on our old podcast, when we tried to get it on the Reddit and we were saying the difference between black women, freaks as freaks and white, and we were saying it's put out there that white women are better?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it definitely is, once I found out Because then, later I was with. She was Hispanic and white, I think, but no black. And she was Hispanic and white, I think, but no black. And she was what she was Hispanic and white. I think that was the mix of my. I think she was white, but I know there was no black so she could have been something else, but there was no black and she was you starting to understand like if she had been my first, I would have never messed with another woman like I don't find, I don't get why, even men want us once again.

Speaker 1:

I was, I think. I proposed when I was 20. I was young, I didn't, wasn't experienced at all you had been with.

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah, yeah, you had been with Black. Oh yes, we won and she rocked my world.

Speaker 1:

But I didn't put. I think at that point she was the only one, so I didn't put it together at that time, never again with her.

Speaker 2:

With who Her Prom. You know it's crazy. We're nicknaming these people. Yeah, we are.

Speaker 1:

Prom, prom. You know it's crazy we're nicknaming these people. Yeah, we are prom. We tried to because we never got to finish, so we was texting like and she was moving to virginia for college yeah and so we was like yo, before you move, we definitely we got yeah never, happened to this day 10 years, more than 10 years later she called you, called you today and was like let's go that closure thing we were talking about. I need to know how I finished, that's crazy.

Speaker 2:

I didn't know that. You I knew you went to prom with her. I knew that. But I'm like she ain't into him like that.

Speaker 1:

But you know what's crazy? The only reason we went is because I was coming over this cute way to ask one of her teammates to prom and freckles. Yeah, I had to think about people and so she was taking so long to respond yeah, yeah, I remember that she was like look if she doesn't. And do you know, my heart was like, Bro, I'm telling you I've been tossed around this thing, that's why I've been single. I'm like fuck this shit.

Speaker 2:

Y'all been raw, because I want it so badly for somebody to just ask me to prom, let alone be cute about it.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, when she said no, or before she said no, she was like, look, I know it's taking a long time and she probably heard something because she on the team. But right right, she like if she said no, we can go together.

Speaker 2:

I'm like that's cute, because y'all were friends, yeah, and just that yeah and so I didn't think she looked at me like that. I didn't think so either, because we were friends but friends.

Speaker 1:

Well, we had a great ass night, and I mean a great ass night.

Speaker 2:

She is a good time, she's funny.

Speaker 1:

And so then afterwards I dropped the truck off. Deontay had hit me up. He asked us to come through because he was with dating somebody that was one of her teammates Another black girl, I don't know who that would be Ashley, yes, you do. Y'all Skittles Partner.

Speaker 2:

Oh, okay, okay, Really Okay Okay.

Speaker 1:

Really, I just put her out there.

Speaker 2:

I'm sorry Really.

Speaker 1:

They was together and they were teammates. And so when we went together, he was like yo, you trying to come to the hotel, and I was like, oh yeah, bet. And then it was one another they teammates, and this dude, Batman. We're going to cut some in.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Batman, yeah. And so all six of us went to the room and we chillin', drinkin', have a good time with that Batman and his date. They ended up having to go. He had to get the car back. We still little niggas at this time. We still little niggas. I mean we 17, 18. We in high school.

Speaker 2:

Y'all still had to get home, though, but it was like two, you didn't have to get home. No, I didn't.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, but it was like 2, 3 in the morning.

Speaker 2:

That is the only thing that our parents was like Y'all get it Problem not.

Speaker 1:

So I can understand it. It was getting late and so when they left, deontay thought he was being slick over that, so he brought Skittles Pundit into the bathroom and we hear it, and so we put on the TV, turn it off.

Speaker 2:

I was legit just about to ask you have you ever had sex in the same room with somebody?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, we wasn't in the same room. They was in the bathroom, though that's the same room. Oh then, yeah, more than that, though, and um, but we was just getting bored cause they was in there for a minute. So one thing led to another conversation that happened, and we was drinking, obviously, so we just fell in love with it. I'm like you know what, if I could end, I mean, for like an hour and a half straight, we was just going, maybe not that long, maybe like an hour, and then Deontay was just like hey, yo bro, he had to get his car back.

Speaker 2:

He got his off.

Speaker 1:

So I was like and so we never finished.

Speaker 2:

That's not awkward to have a session while somebody's there, like were they having sex? They could have been, or they could have just been in there. No, I'm talking about the one where you said you know, somebody else was in the same room. Oh yeah, they were having sex. Yeah, that's weird. Why, I don't know. Alvin did that too.

Speaker 1:

I mean, I'm just so comfortable with myself.

Speaker 2:

I am not. It's not like we were straining them off. No, no, no, I know.

Speaker 1:

Alvin did the same thing. I'm just, yeah, very comfortable with myself.

Speaker 2:

I know somebody else who did the same thing too. Now I did, me and two people, two friends of mine, went to Davenport and you know their dorm room, so it's the living area, but then each person has their own room it was all. Three of us was going at it at the same time, but we were in different rooms if we had been in the living area.

Speaker 1:

I'd been like that's wild and I will say I would like to be a part of an orgy. I have thought about it. Have you had a?

Speaker 2:

threesome, yeah, what. Okay, so you've had.

Speaker 1:

I'm telling you, I've had a you haven't had a whole phase but you.

Speaker 2:

But I've had a very experienced sex life. I really want to have a threesome, really.

Speaker 1:

Yes, with another woman, I don't care. Yeah, it had to be two women for me.

Speaker 2:

I feel like a lot of men feel that way.

Speaker 1:

I don't care though. Yeah, Nah.

Speaker 2:

I personally don't care. I just feel like it's got to be about me, though.

Speaker 1:

That's how I felt I was like y'all gotta be.

Speaker 2:

I don't care if it's another woman or if it's another man, but it has to be about me, cause if it's another woman and he feel like it's gotta be about him, nope, we're not doing it, it's gotta be about me and I was able to find out that I'm very I'm a nasty nigga Are you?

Speaker 1:

I think I am. Nah, I'm a nasty nigga.

Speaker 2:

I think I am, but I don't know. I'm married. I'm married, though when I think about like raunchy, crazy, nasty sex, it puts me like, yes, let's do it. But if somebody was to actually present me with it, I think I would. You know what I thought nevermind, I don't think I would actually go through with it, never mind.

Speaker 1:

You mess. I don't think I would actually go through with it. You know what's crazy. I thought I was like that until I was just in that situation?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I think I would have.

Speaker 1:

And then I was still just as aroused and I was like, oh yeah, but from there that made me want to explore more and try different things. Yeah, and I'm with people who I'm compatible with, who want to try these things Because I like to talk about like fantasies and like. Oh, that the role playing.

Speaker 1:

Right and dress up I am. So married Yo. But this is what I was saying earlier, like having this type of sex life now I can. So married Yo. But this is what I was saying earlier, like having this type of sex life now I can.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I feel like your 30s is when sex is supposed to be like and it is yeah.

Speaker 1:

Martinique was saying the same thing I'm hitting my sexual prime. Yeah, she was saying the same thing, Like because a lot of and I know now not to give it to anybody.

Speaker 2:

Right, right, right. Just anybody getting it now. Yeah, because if I had been like top prime, knowing I'm the shit when I had my whole phase Giving it to everybody, yeah it wouldn't have been a whole phase, it would have been who I want.

Speaker 1:

And that's what I've learned about myself. Like I said, I've never had a bad review, but if I had, they ain't said it to me. And so, even having partners and just seeing their natural reactions to certain things that I have done, I'm like oh, yeah, I know what I'm doing For sure.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I know what I'm doing. Yeah, I've been needing an album to just turn into different people, and I also feel it's a very thing, ain't it?

Speaker 1:

But that's why I advocate for people to be single for a while, yeah, and not just be single. Maybe not have a whole phase, but at least really try some shit.

Speaker 2:

See what you don't like because it can be with one person that you're trying stuff with.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and, and I also I, I'm my black people, I care about y'all much. I advocate to get out of this country and go visit other places and see other women, see other men, see how they, how, because I found out America is prude as hell.

Speaker 2:

That's crazy.

Speaker 1:

There's so many other countries that are sexually liberated and so much more comfortable, and it was like me how I and I was like.

Speaker 2:

That is crazy more comfortable, and it was like me how I and I was like that is crazy because it's it is one of our on our bucket list to fuck in every country. Oh, okay, and I think that's one it's a good goal for us to have, just because it keeps us a little bit spicy, like yeah yeah, it can't just be in a hotel in every country that we go to or the Airbnb we need to hit the beach or something I think I asked you have you ever done it in the rain?

Speaker 2:

No, that sounds like life. No, I will say, last weekend it was raining. I mean, I wasn't outside, but Nah, I mean the rain is coming down on Booyah yeah no, he was sitting in the car and I went out there and pulled him to the back seat.

Speaker 1:

But even shit like that, that's sexy to me yeah. And I'm cool with being the submissive. No, yeah, and I'm cool with being the.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

No, no, being the initiator, but, like we was talking about, I've learned that it's an all day, all week, all month thing. Yeah, I'm really, and now I've learned to be into my partners that much to where I'm going to keep you in the mood, and so when you can do something like that, right, but I'm going to keep you in the mood, and so when you can do something like that. Right, but I'm cool with being an initiator. Here's my thing.

Speaker 2:

I can 100% Like if he was like you flirt with me, I'll flirt back. You flirt with me and I'll flirt back If he came to me and said that I could do that all week, all day. But when it comes to us getting in the bedroom, you better put down your foot Like they're better, not, I better not be saying yeah, like, but that's what I mean, like when that nurse had to do that, when she responded by calling herself my wife.

Speaker 1:

Right, I mean you was getting the strokes.

Speaker 2:

She was asking to get her butt ate that night.

Speaker 1:

Latina this is what I mean by saying I'm a and the thing is, if you earn it, I ain't got no problem giving to you. That's what I mean by everybody.

Speaker 2:

I read a lot of sex articles and it's a thing right now that people like getting their butt licked, not like the butthole, just their butt cheeks. I'm biting Really. Yeah, that's interesting.

Speaker 1:

I just think it's interesting to put your mouth on a butt at all.

Speaker 2:

I mean not that it's not eternal, it's just interesting. I don't want no mouth on my butt.

Speaker 1:

So I get it. I get it Like maybe it's a gender thing, Maybe Because I don't mind taking that, but once again, like I was saying last week, I am so enamored with the female body If we're there, if we're at this point to where we're comfortable being naked with each other. Like I said, it's not just anybody. Yeah, I'm, I'm, I'm appreciating and taking advantage of every inch of you.

Speaker 2:

I want it all, baby, it's so sad what I'm about to say.

Speaker 1:

I don't think that I've had a partner that's like I want to take care of your body Like I've had sometimes, like it's just about you. I just want to eat you out for 45 minutes, but that might come with a massage for an hour before, and I mean if we might be out of town and we got a night off.

Speaker 1:

I want to make sure that you know, because once again, again, I've learned when it do come to me right, and I just don't understand how all men don't get that but once again, like I was saying last week also, I've learned that the actual sex isn't, that it's not that big a part of what I want out of a person now it's not that big of a and so now I can. I'm cool with not getting it every day or waiting until it is that good.

Speaker 2:

I think if people are not having good sex, you're not talking about it enough.

Speaker 1:

I believe that too.

Speaker 2:

Like I sincerely think, cause once I started getting comfortable talking to like, I honestly think Alvin might be the first person that I was like widely comfortable like I was getting into it with other people, but with him I was like I don't give a flying dookie, but like we're gonna, and I was gonna say that's good to be, like, yeah, but you should be that comfortable with yourself.

Speaker 1:

Like I said I'm, I'll get naked around anybody, I don't give a damn, but you should be that way with yourself so you can experience yeah I mean you stuck now, but stuck don't you're right, you're not stuck now but you know like and I also think that's made my sex life better because I'm not timid when we're in the bit like we've worked up to being as comfortable into where we can I feel like people get uncomfortable with me.

Speaker 2:

I feel like all my partners would get uncomfortable with me. Why, I don't know. Maybe I come off dominant, but I don't feel like I do. I feel like I'm very like.

Speaker 1:

I don't know, only you know. You, yeah, and I have women who, most of the women I want, they want to be romance this shit. But those ones that get it, that know that can flip the switch.

Speaker 2:

I'm like right, right.

Speaker 1:

Pause for a second you want me to say something no, vaughn was waving at me. Oh, you're such a cutie. I'm adorable Again.

Speaker 2:

Just too much.

Speaker 1:

But yeah, a good sex life, it's always best with a black woman. Joey, I mean Vinnie and Pauly, they had it right, they had it right, they had it right, they knew it right, they had it right.

Speaker 2:

They knew what they was looking for. Yeah.

Speaker 1:

Yo, that brought us all up.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 1:

That was a nice little topic.

Speaker 2:

It was lasting a little longer than I thought, but I loved it, yeah.

Speaker 1:

But once again, if the conversation good, why not have it?

Speaker 2:

That's what we're here for More food for thought for y'all to chew on. Is that the saying, because I be feeling like that's wrong. Food for thought is just conversation.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I know, but I feel like that's wrong.

Speaker 2:

Chew on and think I feel like it just sounds wrong. To me it's right, but it sounds wrong.

Speaker 1:

You ain't shit hearing what you say. I'm chewing on it. It's cool. But nah, there's, especially across all social media, towards relationships.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I feel like relationships is going to be a big one on here just because I'm in one. You want one, I'm in one, you know what's so crazy?

Speaker 1:

um, what you said was crazy. Don't be talking to me like that, all right. But nah, this girl had hit me up and like, especially when I'm back over here, like when I'm not traveling, I try to stay low-key. I don't say that I don't out here like that and so, knowing that I want to be single right now, that I'm good where I'm at, it's so hard sometimes to turn women down. Y'all get so offended, do we? And it's it ain't got nothing to do with. Y'all like I'm good where, good where I'm at Now. And I will say this there's something about a woman's approach. Mm-hmm, if your approach even got me talking to you to where I got to think, oh damn, yeah, she got me this deep. Yeah, you might make it to where we, right. But a majority of women like I'm just good where I'm at, I'm just good where I'm at, I'm just good where I'm at, and they get so offended.

Speaker 2:

Really. At least Because women feel like men are very offensive.

Speaker 1:

But that's what I meant by like who you been fucking with. Yeah, because, like, why do you just think that I'm supposed to want you? Yeah.

Speaker 2:

I think that I'm supposed to want you. Yeah, I will say, I agree that when a woman wants a man, it is in her mind that he should want her too. But I also think if a man wants a woman, he just has a hard time. I think it's equal. I think it's equal Because he also has a hard time.

Speaker 1:

I don't think it's equal and maybe because I am okay with he also has a hard time. I don't think it's equal, and maybe because I am okay with being like all right, you don't want me to go back?

Speaker 2:

I agree with you. I don't, because I remember once I was in Tennessee and I was with Alvin and we were out on Beale Street and so all the clubs and stuff and bars and stuff was open. He wanted to stay. He had met some guys and was having a good time. So I was like, well, I'm just going to go back to the room, I'm tired. It's like 4 in the morning, I'm tired, sir. And so I'm walking by myself back to our room and these two guys tried to talk to me and I was like no, I'm married. And they weren't pushy, they weren't accepting the no, but they weren't pushy, like women be saying. They were just like you ain't married. And I was like, yes, I am, I was just flirty, right, you ain't married.

Speaker 2:

And I was like yes, I am, I was just flirty-wise Right and as soon as I showed my ring they both were like, oh, if it was just a boyfriend I had to keep going.

Speaker 1:

But you married Like I was even saying earlier, I find it more disrespectful if I say something after you married.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, like that's when I find I still don't find the outside person being but I'm also more seeing guys just like all right see man, yeah, but women actually never so and they they take it so personal.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's about me, yeah, it's it's. There's no possible way you couldn't I mean, I'm not like that.

Speaker 2:

I've had people tell me no and my thing I do question why.

Speaker 1:

I'll just be like why? That's never my first thought. I'm just like, okay, no, I want to know why, because it could be a million things. I'm not trying to wrap my brain around that.

Speaker 2:

I want to know why. I just want to know why, to everything. So I'm the exception on the question of why because you can say anything you can say yes, well, why? Why do you want me? Why are you okay with this?

Speaker 1:

so yeah, so that's just always been frustrating to me. It's not you, mama, you are beautiful. That don't mean shit to me, and if you knew me like once again the woman's approach, like if you're funny, you probably gonna get so much more out of me. If you show that type of aggression or confidence in yourself, you're probably gonna get so much more out of me.

Speaker 2:

I personally just question everything, so I'm always gonna ask why. But if I'm always going to ask why? But if I'm asking why on no, it's more of if I don't think he's saying no because of my looks, so if I think he's saying no because of any other reason, so if he is, you're going to ask why.

Speaker 1:

Yeah. So if he's saying no because of your looks, you're not going to ask why.

Speaker 2:

If I think that he's saying no because of my looks, no, because it's clear. That's clear as day. You don't think I'm cute, so I got that. I don't need to embarrass myself anymore.

Speaker 1:

You're not attractive. Thanks, buddy.

Speaker 2:

I got it. You know know, I just said no more. It was crazy, as I feel like if he said no and it was because of my looks, that would be the time that they want to tell me why I ain't asking at this point. I got it, you. You don't want this. You don't like what you see, that's fine. I don't need you to explain that.

Speaker 1:

It is always funny to see how they try to convince me. I'm like no, I'm okay, so what's wrong with me?

Speaker 2:

I'm like it's not you. That's a weird question. What's wrong with me? You want somebody else to tell you? That's a weird question Once again.

Speaker 1:

I be thinking like who the fuck have you been dealing with?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that makes you feel like there has to be something wrong with you because I'm not interested. I'm just not interested and I'll be like nothing, I'm just good where I'm at.

Speaker 1:

You know, I'm not really looking for anything. Oh, that's because you can't handle it.

Speaker 2:

You ain't been with nothing like me before. See, I don't say shit like that until I know a man is interested.

Speaker 1:

I am not going to tell you that you can't handle me if you don't want me, but I'm like if you think this reverse psychology is going, yeah, that's weird.

Speaker 2:

That's weird. Let's stop that woman. Don't do that.

Speaker 1:

Don't do that. But I also do think it is once again like I was saying. I do think it's men like dog. Y'all gotta just stop any woman out there growing throwing rose petals at their feet. And I'm not saying women don't deserve it there, but and but that, oh there's, there's a lot of women that don't yeah, I feel like the.

Speaker 2:

The fact that men are so aggressive with the approach to win a woman over makes them just as aggressive with trying to figure out why they can't have that woman. So when a man is turned down and he don't like it, I get where those stories of he was.

Speaker 1:

He just didn't get it comes from like I get that okay and I'll say that then in that aspect I agree. Like the level of effort that a man puts in to get you yeah, is usually the level of reaction that you get when it's turned down.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, because I'm not putting too much even into it, because I don't really know you because I literally just seen a tiktok this morning, I think, um, this girl I don't know if he was, if this was his tactic to hit on her, but she was on a skateboard and she was recording herself, obviously. And uh, he was like, can I show you some tricks? And she was like, no, I'm just doing my own thing, I'm good. And he was like, come on, just let me show you some tricks now. He's not being aggressive, but he's also not listening. She said no, right, and she good, and he was like come on, just let me show you some tricks now. He's not being aggressive, but he's also not listening. She said no, and she said that. She was like didn't you hear me say no, no, I'm good. And I think that happens more often than the aggressive bitch stories that be coming out. Even though that has happened to me, I don't think the bitch stories be happening that often. I do.

Speaker 1:

I don't think so.

Speaker 2:

I've gotten those more often than just the polite no so, and we were super young, remember the skate parties that we used to go to.

Speaker 1:

So and you saying the bitch like if a man turns them down.

Speaker 2:

Remember the skate parties that we used to go to and you're saying the bitch like if a man turns him down, right.

Speaker 1:

If a woman turns him down, I'm saying he, oh yeah, I don't think those happen that often.

Speaker 2:

But that did happen to me. I was mistaken. Okay, when we were at one of the skate parties and this guy that I liked he liked me, we were talking and everything was fine. But then we got to one of the skate, I think I found out that he liked somebody else, not that he was like talking to her, but I found out he liked somebody else. And so we were at one of the skate parties and he asked me to skate and I was like no, I'm okay. And he asked me to skate and I was like no, I'm okay. And he called me a bitch and I'm like you don't even like me.

Speaker 1:

And is it?

Speaker 2:

worth that Right, and I'm going to tell you who it is, but not on here. But I was just like, and we were so young, the skate, this was Vista.

Speaker 1:

You got this. You gotta be like oh, so younger than 14 young, super young, it's well at then, at that age I'm gonna just say kids and do you know? They don't know how to deal with the emotions and feelings, but it's like who's?

Speaker 2:

teaching you that who's?

Speaker 1:

showing you that that's true that your.

Speaker 2:

Your response is to call me a bitch because I don't want to skate with you, not because I don't want to have sex with you and I believe that mentality follows a lot of for sure, and that's when I say I think his life is shit right they'll be aggressive and but I think women just feel like okay, then it makes sense.

Speaker 1:

As aggressive as men be, women think that that's all of us. So even when we turn them down, they're like wait, you're not right, I know you should. So that makes sense Because, once again, like fellas, this is why y'all need to stop, because the most down-to-earth, cool women they haven't thought like that, yeah, like we. Just. I remember while I was shooting in new zealand we had to take a break. He was like I gotta change films. So we got like 10-15 minutes.

Speaker 1:

Um, while we were shooting, this girl was just in her van at the edge of the beach, because we was at the beach shooting, and she was like hey, what are you guys doing? We were like we're shooting a movie and we was in between takes. So I was like um, maybe I'll come up and talk to you in a second, but right now I got to focus on that. So we shoot. And then we went on break. So I ran out there and she was like oh yeah, so what are you doing? I was like I'm actually shooting a movie and she was like your accent, you're not from here. I was like you're not either, and then I told her she was like, oh no, that's crazy.

Speaker 1:

I'm like so what are you doing over here? She was like but that convert before halfway, before I even know that you got me pulled in Right. Right, I'm pulled in Right.

Speaker 2:

It wasn't about like my beauty or I want you to notice my yeah and I think that's the problem. It was just good conversation. I think too many people go into wanting to talk to people with their body parts. You can't approach a woman with your dick and you can't approach a man with your pussy and be thinking that a relationship or something good is going to come from this. Neither one of y'all are even trying to get to know each other's name right now.

Speaker 1:

But that's when I'll be saying I have had one night stands but they might have started like that To where I can at least see we got a connection, you can hold a conversation. It's not going to be awkward. Waking up to you. That makes a hell of a difference.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and maybe I'm not attracting or wasn't attracting assholes. I was just not realizing I was being approached with a penis.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and you're going a penis yeah, like yeah, and you're going for it yeah, right, and clearly that was all I was looking for. That make the difference. For sure I didn't realize that. Yeah, but Great talk. But I was going to say, and once again I didn't, I got a number. We ended up texting for a little bit, but it didn't even go further than that. Yeah, like I'm really okay with. Yeah, nothing has to happen.

Speaker 2:

Yeah Me too.

Speaker 1:

I'm so good with just experiencing life and having that like, even that. That's gonna be a memory to me, cause sometimes just talking is enough. Yup, so yeah, especially cause I think I have been over there like six, seven months at that time.

Speaker 1:

By that time, yeah, so I hadn't seen a lot of Americans or nothing. So even having somebody that know what I'm talking about or my lingo, or have stories from back in the middle, made a huge difference, like you said. Just having that person to talk to yeah, and it's crazy being in New Zealand having that. That's an experience in itself. The fact that we're in New Zealand at a beach having this. That made it all a moment.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, because when we went to London we were talking to I think it was our waitress and she was just telling us some of the stuff that she's going through. She was pretty young but obviously nobody was hitting on nobody, but just the experience of having that conversation with her was like one to remember. Yep, so had I been there by myself and maybe interested in her or someone else like that just would have been definitely something to like. We it didn't. Nobody went in with their body parts.

Speaker 1:

In london I'm having this conversation right, right I like, yeah, this, and once again it don't have to be big conversation, but the fact that you're not talking about the normal thing, because it was really just about like her living situation, like we talked about that a little.

Speaker 1:

Well, no, she was, uh, she had the van that she was like glamping, like she had the bed set up back there, but she was like come on and climb it. So I took my shoes off. We just laying there, chilling, talking. I'm like all in the sun was coming down, right. I'm like, right, that's a motherfucking moment I would never hear until it was like I don't want to interrupt, but right, but I would never hear and but that's what I'm saying.

Speaker 1:

I was trying and doing this. Why I'm saying y'all get out of the country, get out of your comfort zone. Yeah, I was doing so much and I've always been okay with going up to women, but never had an experience like that.

Speaker 2:

And I mean I need to fix my face.

Speaker 1:

That could make a difference. A lot of people say like my smiles are much, doing a lot. I don't smile, especially if I'm focused and even nice men will not approach you?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I'm very much like, especially if I'm bowling to get somewhere. I'm focused. You ain't even in my eyesight. So you could have saw me, but I don't see you, sir, and I mean I guess it don't matter at this point, but maybe that's what I should have been doing Right.

Speaker 1:

But once again, if you're single, this is my advice to you If y'all married, go out and do that type of stuff.

Speaker 2:

If you're married, smile at him, don't ask.

Speaker 1:

But no, for real man, this life is too short, the world is too big and you're not confined and isolated to one place, unless you're the murderer and you're in prison. Your option is confined. Don't be the murderer, but even if you're one of those people who can change it, like you, get on a probe and get out make sure you do something with it. Like that, get out and experience this world.

Speaker 2:

I'm telling you, dog, and once again, I don't think I would have had any of these experiences had I gotten married, and so that's why I like these perspectives because you like y'all heard him say my life is great because I'm single and yours suck because you're married, because that's all of that.

Speaker 1:

Well, he could have just said it in one sentence no, because, like you've traveled overseas with your whole family, you've done, you're living a great life too. It's just two different perspectives. So, it's just two different perspectives.

Speaker 2:

He just told y'all don't get married.

Speaker 1:

I mean not. And I mean not until you are told y'all don't get married. I mean not until you are absolutely 100%.

Speaker 2:

I actually agree Don't get married until you know that that's what you want to do, because I used to think single moms were like that's got to be the worst life ever. But as I'm talking to more single moms, I'm just like damn, you like really living. They be living they best life. Like you out here, I have had some single moms. I'm just like damn, you like really living.

Speaker 1:

They be living they best life. Like you out here, I have had some single moms and I'm like y'all once again, when your kid's not around you, are Right, you don't forget you a sexy woman.

Speaker 2:

And you don't. Not that I'm like complaining, but you don't got to answer to nobody. You can get up and go whenever you feel like it. Yes, if you're dropping the kids off with baby daddy, then you got to communicate with him, but that's the extent of that. Like, don't be ashamed to be a single mom. I feel like that there's this terrible stigma on single moms.

Speaker 1:

I do believe that, but that's because people not really. Yeah, I think the people who be saying this stuff don't know the stuff that they talk Like you don't know when you're single moms which is why you're saying oh it sucks, because I've seen like a lot of men they'll talk shit like that, but you out here making single moms.

Speaker 2:

Right, like you must love single moms. You can't commit to a woman. All you can make is a single mom, and I won't say you can't commit, but the problems ended up where she's a single mom.

Speaker 1:

That doesn't mean she's a terrible woman, or nah, I'm not saying some women are yeah, obviously you have your bad apples. But, and I've met some amazing women who have kids and that's why I'm like I won't. I can look.

Speaker 2:

I mean, maybe Men crack me up, you talking shit about single moms. We made kids and all you can make is a single mom and we the problem. Or are they the problem Because I'm not a single mom, I just threw myself in there. We the problem?

Speaker 1:

So you try to confess I'm a single mom. She the problem, y'all she the problem. But the first step is admitting I have a problem. I want to step is admitting that's a baby, I have a problem.

Speaker 2:

I want to be a single mom, just kidding. No these conversations are good. I do envy single moms Really, I do, I do. Martinique was over and she was telling me about some stuff that's going on with her and this guy that she's dating, and even though it was drama for her, I'm just like, maybe you do like drama, I do like drama, I mean it wasn't like bad drama. It was like her sex life stuff, so it wasn't like bad drama but I've heard like well, I haven't heard.

Speaker 1:

I've seen the difference, like I've seen single moms who are just miserable and they are struggling, but I've also seen single moms who are thriving. But I think it's the ones who choose to just embrace it.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that's what I was about to say, I know.

Speaker 1:

I'm still that to y'all.

Speaker 2:

I think if you are not a happy single mom, you are just dwelling on the fact that you're not with the kid's dad yeah, or you are just not putting your best foot forward because To be your best son yeah, it's hard being a parent period. Having a partner does not make it easier, trust me. It does not make it easier, especially if he ain't the right person for you, because I've heard that too. If he ain't doing nothing to actually help you and he's just in your house, that's worse than being there by yourself. Like, I think everybody can make life good if you want to. We gotta stop complaining so much. I'm about to go home and start complaining, start throwing some shit around and complain. So there, I'm about to die. Don't die, so there, don't die.

Speaker 1:

We got about 50,000 more episodes Way more coming at you For sure, because these conversations and I love cerebral provoking- If you say cerebral, one more time. I can't just say no, all right, I like these brain provoking conversations speak to me like I'm a dummy and it actually is good to, because these are a lot of conversations we have had to see your perspective I, yeah, you and I actually have never talked not, and I'm deeply forever and I, I'm gonna be honest, I with you, andnell, I'm kind of scared to talk to y'all because or I was, because I didn't want y'all to know how wild I am.

Speaker 2:

But it's like I got four kids and y'all know where kids come from.

Speaker 1:

But as wild as you think you are, just imagine what I've been doing, and especially all of us being over 30 now yeah we've experienced completely different lives, yeah, different ways and things like that. So I'm I'm interested to find out.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, because I I really was like I don't want to tell them nothing. Like even when we were trying to do the podcast I was like, oh, that's how you were. I fell up then, but then I was just like you know what I gotta.

Speaker 1:

Gotta talk to somebody, yeah, and this is kind of sort of a therapy it is.

Speaker 2:

You are the worst therapist ever.

Speaker 1:

You laugh way too much. Probably I'm just about to be a single again.

Speaker 2:

I sincerely could never be a therapist because I will laugh at you.

Speaker 1:

I feel like my laughing is trying to make you feel better about it. Because, I have heard from a lot of people. I'm able to just simplify things.

Speaker 2:

No, I'm not going to laugh with you, I'm going to laugh at you.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that's rude. You never become a therapist.

Speaker 2:

You did what you said earlier in the episode. People said you should be their therapist. My therapist said I should be a therapist Listen, they just throwing out degrees. Clearly I'm not sure you should have one, sir. She is the wrong person to have. No, I'd be a good one.

Speaker 1:

But this has been fun and we definitely got more episodes, more shit coming to you. So go out in the world, think differently, change your perspective and find a white black woman, a whack woman.

Speaker 2:

Find a black woman change your life. That's the quote of the week hey, I always remember he smoked, she don't stay talking because weed smoke, weed smokes, weed stinks. Did you do that last week? Yes, it's time for me to go Stay token, because weed smoke, weed smokes, weed stinks.

Speaker 1:

Didn't you do that last week too?

Speaker 2:

Yes, it's time for me to go Weed smokes.

Speaker 1:

That's how good it was. This is where the altruism is. Okay, we're sorry. I said she smoke. She don't Tell me. Do you Want to talk? If you don't, then you don't. Weed stinks. Don't say it.

Speaker 2:

Well, if you don't, then you don't.

Speaker 1:

Weed stinks, Don't say it well, if you won't.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that's it.

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