He Smoke She Don't

Marriage, Munchies, and Mix-Ups

He smoke She dont Season 1 Episode 1

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Ever wondered why some people can’t stand the smell of weed while others savor it like fine wine? Our first episode of "He Smokes, She Don't" kicks off with a bang as Latina Marie and Gene hash out their opposing views on marijuana. Gene takes us through his unexpected journey from despising to delighting in the aromatic world of cannabis, while Latina Marie humorously compares the stench to a dead skunk. We delve into how similar this is to the way some folks can't get enough of seafood despite its off-putting odor. This episode is just the beginning of our exploration into life's little contradictions, through the lens of our vastly different lifestyles—Gene, a solo cannabis enthusiast, and Latina Marie, a married mother of four and abstainer.

But we're not just about weed; we venture into the intriguing realm of cannabis strains, especially those like Sugar Breath that claim to help with anxiety and depression. Ever heard of a strain named Wedding Cake? You'll learn about the quirks and perks of these creatively named strains and their potential benefits, from helping with weight gain to enhancing fitness regimes. We even broach the topic of male endowment, fitness, and weight loss, offering a mix of personal anecdotes and practical tips to keep you entertained and informed.

As the episode progresses, we shift gears to discuss the complexities of marriage, relationships, and personal growth. From the struggles and pressures of early marriage to the importance of communication and shared life goals, we offer our candid insights and humorous stories. Whether it's the trials of homeownership, the nuances of sports fandom, or the hilarity of a dumpster mix-up, we promise to keep you engaged and laughing. So grab your headphones, tune in, and join us for a rollercoaster of deep conversations and light-hearted moments that promise to leave you eagerly awaiting the next episode.

Speaker 1:

Hi, I'm Latina Marie and this is Gene. Yes, you're listening to he Smokes and she Does Not. Y'all not gonna listen to that. Tell me that. That don't make you be like press play.

Speaker 2:

Welcome to episode one of he Smoked. She Don't.

Speaker 1:

No, no, no no.

Speaker 2:

Cause it's not. She doesn't. I said she does not. Yeah, we, we gotta do the intro.

Speaker 1:

It's like a no, no, no, because it's not. She doesn't. I said she does not. Yeah, we got to do the intro. It's like a promo. I know you just did it. That was it.

Speaker 2:

You don't want to keep that one.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I am going to keep that. Okay, I'm fine with it. Okay, so now we starting the episode.

Speaker 2:

If y'all don't know or can't tell, this is episode one of our podcast he.

Speaker 1:

Smoked? She Don't. And why she don't? Because weed stinks. You really think it stinks? Yes, Weed smells like a dead smell.

Speaker 2:

I mean, I'm not going to lie. When I first like the first time I ever had a smell of weed, I was like ugh. But then I felt the effects and I was like so you lied to yourself to keep doing it. No, it really did smell bad.

Speaker 1:

It stinks, you know it stinks, no it did.

Speaker 2:

No, and I'm like you like salmon or seafood period. Yes, I like salmon. I had salmon last night. The smell of it is not enticing.

Speaker 1:

The cooking of it Like cooked salmon. If I come into a house and I smell salmon, cooked salmon.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, Don't it smell good to you?

Speaker 1:

Just fish period it smells like raw meat Raw meat Like raw chicken, no raw. Raw chicken stinks. I hate the smell. Like anytime Dorothy was cooking a meal and it had a big chicken or oh yeah, I've never known.

Speaker 2:

I've noticed seafood like that, like shrimp and literally any seafood. But this is what I'm saying I will fuck some seafood up, I will smash it, but the smell of it and that's kind of how we got seafood, and almost to a point where you know the difference but the smell of it and that's kind of how weed got for me. But that's how weed got for me and almost to a point where you know the different fish smells like if they cook it. I know if it's some boo-boo or some fire weed.

Speaker 1:

It's all dookie.

Speaker 2:

Nah, but like somebody who doesn't smoke, they would never, understand that. Yes, it makes a huge difference.

Speaker 1:

You're telling yourself that, so that you can get past the smell, so that you can smoke, cause you might really like the feeling of being high, which I don't care for that either but now I like the smell.

Speaker 2:

There is some weed out there that has there's some that smells kind of sweet yeah, it has different aromas, but it all smelled like a dead skunk.

Speaker 1:

It smelled like that skunk was full of candy. That's all.

Speaker 2:

That is no no, yeah, I mean, but that's, that's my weed. So even like smelling it the very first time, I was like yeah, but afterwards I'm like okay, and I guess I wouldn't even say I'm a connoisseur and that I'm getting closer to that. But there is a slight difference in smells and, like you probably just think it's a smell. That's not.

Speaker 1:

I, for real, can't be telling like I don't be telling the difference. No, that's what I'm saying.

Speaker 2:

It's probably just a skunk smell to you.

Speaker 1:

The only time that I know a skunk was actually around is if it's like super, super strong oh okay, but I can't tell the difference between a skunk and weed. No, I be having a question. I'd be having a question that way.

Speaker 2:

So like I kind of don't like it. But in my public we had went to Detroit one time. We was just in a restaurant waiting for our seats or whatever Kind of like that. A big whiff came and I was like, and like I said, I kind of don't like it both would have reacted, but I would have been like, oh my god I'm not even like who's working up. Let's do it.

Speaker 1:

Let's do it I'd be trying to be cool like damn somebody's loud, but in my mind I'd be like damn you tell it on them, put that shit away like I mean, but that that even brings us to a great point, to why we're here.

Speaker 2:

The perspective like if y'all here, if y'all come into this podcast, the perspectives is the main point that we want to get across.

Speaker 1:

We gonna be talking about a lot of shit here, not just weed. This is not a weed podcast.

Speaker 2:

It is not a weed podcast.

Speaker 1:

I know it's called he Smokes, she Don't, but it's not about weed.

Speaker 2:

But that's why we named it that, because I am a single man with no kids that smokes weed.

Speaker 1:

I am a married woman with four kids and I don't smoke shit.

Speaker 2:

And so just looking at life's topics and things that's going on in the world, we have complete opposite spectrums of perspective, and so we thought maybe we can get together, talk about these things and, if we are opposites ends of it, maybe y'all that's in the middle can gain a little knowledge, or even take from whatever we see or our perspectives and go ahead with these topics.

Speaker 1:

We are not journalists, we don't think we're journalists. Whatever we say on our podcast is 100% our opinion. It is just the way that we see things. If you don't like how we look at things or the world, you can keep going. Just kidding, keep watching, but don't like it, I guess I don't know.

Speaker 2:

I would say, just like I want to know.

Speaker 1:

I'm ready for the shut, the fuck up bitch haters to be in the comments, because we're going to address some of that stuff is that the, I guess, consumer wise?

Speaker 2:

when people are consuming this content, what do you look for most of out of those people?

Speaker 1:

so I have a YouTube channel and a lot of people do not like you know my youtube channel I guess we should talk about ourselves a little bit. We're gonna do that right after this yeah, and at first, when I was getting a lot of hate comments because I share the youtube channel with my husband and he was getting a lot of the we like him, fuck her. It was a lot of that that's gotta be and I thought it was gonna hurt me.

Speaker 1:

I thought I was gonna, that's what I would think they don't like me yeah and I really was not. He got a hate comment and he was ready to quit. He was ready he like it destroyed him and I was really shocked at how how I was not affected by it, especially because you got more than him right and maybe that could be a correlation I don't know.

Speaker 1:

I just didn't, I didn't expect it. It wasn't like I was like I didn't even prepare myself for that. I'm at no point was like man, I gotta remember.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

But I think, because I'm not huge on social media, but because I've been on social media for the past- I'd say you're a significant figure.

Speaker 2:

There are people who are on social media just because they're influencers, they're celebrities. I'd say you're in the influencer realm, you've got me.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I mean, I don't know, there's people outside of this state.

Speaker 2:

That know you.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah for sure, I feel there's people out of this country who know me Right, but I feel like I definitely did not prepare myself for that. So, coming into this, I still didn't prepare myself for like people are going to be throwing hate comments, but I'm more like I'm interested in in what the hate comments will be, because that content was so much different than what this will be right. I guess, that's.

Speaker 2:

That's my. I'm interested in what it's yeah, only for sure that we're getting, because I came into it with that mindset yeah, I'm like what is actually gonna be, though? Yeah, I'm like what is it actually going to be, though? Yeah, but I'm excited. So, yes, like once again, like she said this we're not scientists, we're not journalism, we're not therapists, we're not none of that. We just I'd be your therapist, you know, I wouldn't mind.

Speaker 2:

I wouldn't mind, I wouldn't mind. We went to marriage counseling and our counselor told me that I should look into. You know what was so crazy I was? I think I was talking to you. Probably not, though, probably not. You don't tell me that. I don't tell you that, but when I was living in California obviously in 2017, therapy wasn't a big thing for Black children Right or especially in Michiganigan. I didn't hear about a lot of therapy or people. And I moved to california and it was at a time where I had went through a big life change, so I was just really introspective and thinking about things. So when I was having conversations with people, I would say these things I was thinking about they're like. You know, my therapist told me that I was like should I become a therapist?

Speaker 1:

yeah, but then I was thinking like maybe, maybe, I just I'm fucked. And that's kind of where I was like like what would make you think that I would be?

Speaker 2:

I mean I do try to. I'm fucked up.

Speaker 1:

I feel like I try to think outside the box and think of like different ways to handle situations. But if I hear some, if somebody came into my office especially if I was a couple counselor and a couple came in and he just on some real bullshit, I just might have to tell him I'm not going to be able to be the one.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I'm not going to be professional about that?

Speaker 1:

No, I'd be professional. No, you're tripping my nigga. That is 100% my nigga. That is 100% your fault.

Speaker 2:

I'm here because of you. I do believe a lot more people need that in their life.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Probably A lot more people need that type of shit in their life Because not that it matters.

Speaker 1:

Our counselor was gay and black and he just, and I'm happy it was a man, Because If he not on your side, Our counselor was gay and black and he just, and I'm happy it was a man, because If he not on your side or his side, then you clearly did something wrong, and I'm just like you petty. He said you petty?

Speaker 2:

No, but I get that. I definitely get that, but I was just that always stuck with me. Should I take a professional in therapy? Because, and maybe it's a cancer, but I've always been emotionally intelligent.

Speaker 1:

Like I cannot identify with emotions yeah, I feel like I'm really good at tuning in on my emotions, but we're not therapists.

Speaker 2:

We're not journalists.

Speaker 1:

Yes, we are. It's the 30th time that we've said that. We just want to make it very clear that we're not journalists. Yes, we are 30th time that we've said that. We just want to make it very clear that we do not think that we are anybody that you should be listening to.

Speaker 2:

You just should listen to us I wouldn't say I don't think that we're people you shouldn't listen to. Just don't take it as law, do not take it as bible, do not take it as but we are out here in the real world. We are out here having these conversations with other people. We are out here in the real world. We are out here having these conversations with other people. We are actually going through these. Nothing that we are speaking about is not from experience. So, once again, we're just giving you our perspectives and hopefully that can help you in your life and things that you're going through.

Speaker 1:

So that was a brief one, what this podcast is about. We're not going to say this again, yep, yep, we might skim through it again on the next few episodes, but it's not what this is.

Speaker 2:

And this is episode one.

Speaker 1:

We're here, we're starting we can clap it up.

Speaker 2:

Yay. With weed in your hand, hey, I gotta feel the joy. Okay, Because now and I will say, this isn't a weed podcast, but for all my stoners, please come, Because y'all can be the ones to let me know if I'm tripping. If I'm not tripping, whatnot?

Speaker 2:

And actually we can get right into it right now. The Strain of the Day Do-do-do-do-do-do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do, do, do do do, do, do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do.

Speaker 1:

So I turned into Nicola.

Speaker 2:

I let y'all know we don't support Nicola yet, but we do support Mario. Yes, for all my soldiers and stuff out there, I will be doing a straight-up thing only because he smoke and she don't Wow, perfect, I mean, that's not the only reason, but I have found weed to be very, very helpful in my life in terms of anxiety, depression, fighting those things off and kind of just zoning in and being present. I know meditation will probably work 10 times better, but the way my schedule will be being I'll be here from there to there, sometimes just a blunt or a joint will get me exactly where I need. So, with that in mind, I will be giving you some of those strains and some of those tools to maybe help you in your day. And today we're going to be talking about sugar breath, and I love wheat names. Sugar breath, I love wheat names.

Speaker 1:

One amount of sugar. You're never going to find more wheat or more names Sugar rest. I love wheat names.

Speaker 2:

You're never going to find more wheat or more names, more wheat. You're never going to find more wheat than you do right here. You're never going to find more strains than of things that's just named. Enticing things Like I'll be hearing wedding cake and I'll be like I'll be hearing wedding cake and I'll be like you know how good wedding cake tastes.

Speaker 1:

I feel like wedding cake is not regular cake.

Speaker 2:

It's not, it'd be on point.

Speaker 1:

It'd be like the fluffiest thing that you eat.

Speaker 2:

Bro, the cream or the frosting just be lighter than regular frosting, and so just imagine you get a wee man wedding cake.

Speaker 1:

Have you? I don't know what they're called, but have you ever had one of those sponge cakes from Japan? It's like a Japanese. Oh, no, no, no no, you had one of those. Yes, we went to London, we went to Chinatown, which is weird that it was in Chinatown.

Speaker 2:

They got a Chinatown everywhere. Oh, Japanese yeah.

Speaker 1:

Somebody's going to have to explain that to me.

Speaker 2:

What flavor was it? Flan?

Speaker 1:

I don't know it was green.

Speaker 2:

Oh, like matcha.

Speaker 1:

It could have been, I don't know, but I was like we're not leaving London until I get one of these cakes.

Speaker 2:

But that's how I, until I get one of these cakes. No, but that's how I feel about some of these weeds. When you get them, they do change.

Speaker 1:

There is no way, there is absolutely no way that you can compare weed to that feeling.

Speaker 2:

Are we talking about a euphoric feeling? I?

Speaker 1:

don't know, I actually don't know what that feels like.

Speaker 2:

And that's what I was going to say On here. I want to give people Don't just I was that person that just smoked weed. Smoked weed, whatever you got, give it to me, I'll take it, and I just want to get high. But nah, after moving to California and it was illegal here when it was legal there, and so I got a better chance to just really take my time with it to know what it does to it, I was trying to gain weight out there. But then there was one weed the name of me says, and I mean I smoked it faithfully for like two, three months and I gained about a good 20 to 25 pounds because just afterwards I still look slim because I'm tall. Luckily. Luckily I don't vote and I mean I hate it kind of because I'll be putting it, yeah, but he shorted it I bulk.

Speaker 1:

Is he shorted yeah?

Speaker 2:

I'm the tallest one in the family.

Speaker 1:

You're not.

Speaker 2:

But that's why I don't like it, because I would love to bulk up even in the pop film. That was probably the biggest that I've been on. I think I was like 190, 195.

Speaker 1:

I feel like you work out too much to bulk up.

Speaker 2:

But I think that was my thing too, because I have a fast metabolism and I just burn shit instead of putting on shit. And so, no, I really don't ever just bulk up Like 20, 25 pounds, don't look, it looks like five or 10, because I'm tall and I'll just get chiseled. Now don't get mad at that, because I'm already chiseled. The weight will just bulk those things up a little bit. So then my abs look.

Speaker 1:

I heard the other day that for every 35 pounds that a man loses, he gains weight in his dick.

Speaker 2:

No, I would say, the more weight.

Speaker 1:

I think a doctor said it.

Speaker 2:

That he loses.

Speaker 1:

Because you're fit. When you're being fit, your body functions better. I think a doctor said it that he loses Mm-hmm. Because you're fit. When you're being fit, your body functions better. I believe it because I've heard that skinny guys are well Endowed.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, but I was going to say like I can only speak for myself, obviously, but I feel like the fitment.

Speaker 1:

I would like to know that you can only speak for yourself. Please don't be in here talking about you know, about somebody else's experience listen, I'm gonna tell you right now.

Speaker 2:

Let me have some conversations and you'll walk away knowing more about your boy than you wanted to know. So I'll just put it out there. But I'm speaking about me. But I'll follow that when I put on weight, that's when I get heavier in pants.

Speaker 1:

I mean, I just know that when Alvin loses weight things look way better and he, I think it's just a man thing that they can drop pounds but I also think it's a mental thing. Probably.

Speaker 2:

Because, like me being, I've been skinny my whole life and I haven't liked it, yeah, and so maybe like just what you and I've learned that this is real. Dr Daniel, amen, you've been saying that, like the thoughts, the hormones that release, every single thought that you have affects your body, and so me wanting to get bigger. My mentality is everything around me is going to get bigger, but the thing is he'd be on the same page.

Speaker 1:

I feel like I mean when she said it, because it was a doctor when she said it, it was like 35, that's a lot of weight to lose and still be functioning, and maybe it could be that because I've never lost that amount of weight, I've never had to lose that amount of weight. Maybe like for every 5 to 10 pounds, you notice some difference. But 30, I mean I don't know. I guess it makes sense. No, I could.

Speaker 2:

Once again, I wasn't thinking about the weight, but that makes sense, because if you get an obese dude most likely yeah, and so 35 may get a significant thing.

Speaker 1:

And see, I don't know anybody that big to be like, and that's what I'm saying.

Speaker 2:

I've never had to get that amount of weight, and so maybe that could be the function reverse just right bigger getting bigger. But you know, um, we were supposed to be talking about the strain, um, so we're just gonna do that real quick. It's's sugar breath. That's what I'm smoking on.

Speaker 2:

It definitely does help with appetite and getting regulating your appetite and getting you to eat something, because I always have a problem eating three meals a day. It's you know. Well, you don't need to. Well, I want to bulk up and actually go away. That's the mode that I'm in, and so this actually does help. I'll smoke a joint and literally like 20 minutes later, I'm eating corn, dog, pasta, fruit, oatmeal. But I don't even care what I'm mixing, I'm just eating, and it's almost like all protein. Yeah, I'm just protein and carbs.

Speaker 1:

That's what it is. You need more rice. Oatmeal is good.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, peanut butter bread, I can tell you how to gain weight and the THC levels on this is 25% and above, like I haven't gone to any dispensary and it's been below. So if you're just looking for a good high and you don't really care about the effects of it, go ahead and get you some sugar breath. It's going to get you right. I can tell you that's crazy. All right, all right, all right. So once again, this podcast is just going to be getting life topics. It's going to be going through a lot of the things that you go through on your day to day life work, what you watching. We're going to talk about sports, remember when.

Speaker 2:

I know y'all remember when y'all was a kid and they had this certain thing. We're going to get into all that, but literally this is if anything. I want you to look at this podcast as the thing at the end of the day that just suddenly got Like you. Listen to this, you watch this.

Speaker 1:

You're looking for a great life. Did you have a stressful day today? Do you need a smile on your face? Turn on these smoke sheeters.

Speaker 2:

It'll get you up and sometimes I'll put them on. No, you won't. No, you won't. No, ladies, no, you won't. I might be late, but I got to like a little late night, oh hell. No, you're such a cunt?

Speaker 1:

Oh hell, no Real quick. Who are we? My name is Latina Marie. I am a singer, songwriter, recording artist, youtuber, social media face, if you will. Mom, a wife, a daughter, a sister, his sister, his mom, stop it.

Speaker 2:

She hear everything. And I am genius. I am a musician, I am an actor, I am a brother, an uncle Once again, single man. So I'm ladies, if you're looking for somebody, your boy is free. Once again, no kids. I'm literally just out here in this world trying to see what's the funnest, most successful option for me at that time. I've been overseas getting wild. I've been in the States getting wild. I've done movies, tv shows, like I'm just living life and I'm looking for what's next.

Speaker 1:

So try to give me a little bit of that. Living my life like it's golden. Living my life like it's golden. Golden Shout out to Jill Scott Mm-hmm.

Speaker 2:

Mm, but actually shout out to her that's one of the most level-minded women I've ever seen in my life.

Speaker 1:

She's wild Mm-hmm In the best way possible.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, she seemed like she was free.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, one night. Hey, baby, you have a big girl fetish. Have you ever been with a big girl? Yeah, have you? I know her. No, okay, no, but yeah.

Speaker 2:

Really I don't have a big girl fetish, but I will say this is going to be our relationship segment. Instead of doing it. No, that's going to be in there too, oh but I was going to say I don't have a big girl fetish, but I do appreciate. Oh, but I was going to say I don't have a big girl fetish, but I do appreciate all forms of the female body, like I am.

Speaker 2:

So enamored with females and not like I'm girl crazy, you show me some ass, I'm just losing my butt. But the women's skin is so soft. I love the curves on women. I love the way their hair falls. I love your kneecaps, house Like when I say that, just the female form and body I am so in love with say they love somebody's kneecaps.

Speaker 1:

Girl, you're about to get best kneecaps. What? Please tell me how you compliment somebody's kneecaps. I need to know how are you complimenting?

Speaker 2:

somebody's kneecaps, I usually just go to the skin and say your skin is soft. While rubbing their knees. I'm like girl, your skin is sweet.

Speaker 1:

There you have it Podcast done.

Speaker 2:

But no, like it's not a big outfit, and I will say right, what? Why are you laughing?

Speaker 1:

I love their kneecaps. I've never heard somebody compliment somebody's kneecaps.

Speaker 2:

But yeah, I don't mind, because I am somebody's fetish right now. Like somebody told you you're.

Speaker 1:

Like I just know that he is like Like somebody told you you're good. Like I just know that he is like fantasizing about being with a big girl. You're going to say you're a big girl.

Speaker 2:

Well, it's probably because I've seen the stages.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I mean, I know that I'm not huge. I'm in 200. But I'm also not that tall. I'm only 5'6". I am the average female height. But for my height, yes, I'm a bit overweight. Okay, but I also recognize that my boobs are not tiny, my butt is not small. I have things on me that if I lost everything else, I might still just look the same, because everything else is there. But yeah, I don't.

Speaker 2:

I will say I've never been like uh-oh.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, yeah, and I don't think.

Speaker 2:

I could Only because of my size?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I just feel like, because I used to be like when I would hear that big girl fetish was a thing, I, and how some girls would be upset about it, I would be like why, like they were a man's dream, right. But now that I know that somebody is like you only fuck me because I'm big I get that. Having that experience and knowing that that's what somebody wants is like you don't like it.

Speaker 1:

I like the attention, obviously, but I don't like that it's because of my size, I mean, but Like, you don't want to get to know me, you just want to feel me and that is weird, honestly, I think just wanting to just have sex with somebody is weird.

Speaker 2:

Oh, yeah, I think that's weird too, like I've never had sex with somebody without a connection. Yeah, I think that's weird too, like I've never had sex with somebody without a connection.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I think, because I've been I'm lying.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

I'm lying too. No, I'm not lying, but I am lying Cause I have had-.

Speaker 2:

But I mean, like I didn't see you say it, I just want to have sex with somebody. Yeah, that's never happened, even if it was a one night stand. It was never like I just want to fuck you.

Speaker 1:

So before I met my husband I did have a guy do that to me Like he just wanted to fuck and I was on my.

Speaker 2:

I'm just trying to Anybody who meet me you saying hi, we getting it.

Speaker 1:

I was on my I just I'm just trying. To anybody who meet me you're saying hi, we get me.

Speaker 2:

I was on, I was on what is that is there.

Speaker 1:

Yes, I I was, if this was beyond whole stage like this, okay, because I'm like I don't know if that's normal. This was, this was legitimately beyond the whole phase. And everybody has a whole phase but a whole phase is when you're talking to a lot of people and you might be fucking a few of them. I was literally, if you looked my way, we getting in and that was just my thought process. Now was I fucking everybody who looked at me? No, obviously, that was the thought process.

Speaker 2:

That was the goal.

Speaker 1:

That's a wild thought process and there was one guy who actually we only I wish I still had that phone we legitimately only text when we were needing to get off. I don't know shit about this person. I forever have wanted to find somebody like that, because my thing is like, I think probably like 2016, 2017.

Speaker 2:

Up until recently, I haven't taken nobody seriously. I've wanted to just have that person like look bro, you focused on life and goals. I, you focused on life and goals. I'm focused on life and goals but we still need to get off every now and again. Can we never find that Always wanted? So you lucky.

Speaker 1:

I don't know any like other than I don't know his last name. I don't know, that's wild. I couldn't find him today if I really wanted to, because I don't know anything about him.

Speaker 2:

We know that's that's a little insane to me.

Speaker 1:

We hooked up probably like four times and every time it was just you busy, tonight I'm good and nothing else OK.

Speaker 2:

I can see how you wouldn't get no more information.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, like we did not talk.

Speaker 2:

But that like how did y'all meet?

Speaker 1:

At the club. We met at a club. He came up and we I think we danced but that'd be really insane if we didn't we didn't even dance. He just was like take my number, let's go fuck. No, I think the dancing is what made him think he wanted to have sex with me. So and at this time I wasn't a big girl, so it wasn't a fetish thing, it was legitimately.

Speaker 2:

He was just on that I think we were just on the same page. Yeah, yeah, yeah, for sure, for sure although he tried to.

Speaker 1:

He tried to it up. One time he asked me to come over and he had friends over and I was like I'm not trying to meet your friends, like what? What are we talking?

Speaker 2:

about right now. If this is what it's going to be, it's just like I don't need.

Speaker 1:

it was to the point where I would go see him and then text somebody that I was really interested in, like you're, just because I'm not having sex with this person yet.

Speaker 2:

I mean, if I'm him, I'm not mad, but damn.

Speaker 1:

I was legitimately on that, for I think it was like two summers before I met. That's wild, and even that summer I was on I I, I, I tried to call me at home.

Speaker 2:

I tried to have, I was with anybody, I tried to have a a year like that year, like that. And then I met one of my exes and just shut all that down, but I've never had like, uh, I'm just going all out and you know what's crazy about that?

Speaker 1:

I feel like I feel like you live life that way.

Speaker 2:

Everybody looks at me like I'm just a big and and I'm like I wish.

Speaker 1:

I think a couple years ago you told me that no, that's not.

Speaker 2:

I wish.

Speaker 1:

And I just still think you're a liar.

Speaker 2:

No, I'm not. I'm not saying I've been lacking or anything.

Speaker 1:

No, I'm not saying that, but I just feel like you're lying. I've never had my whole face. I swear to You've had a whole life hurt my whole face. I swear to life. If y'all knew even one of the things that I know that this man did, you would be like you're lying I don't listen.

Speaker 2:

I'm not saying I haven't had a wild time, but once again I have. I've never. Yeah, I feel like your experiences are more they're just, they're just extravagant, and I'm I've always set out to live that type of life, yeah, like no, I'm telling you like some of the stuff that I see you sound like he told me about one of his experiences once, and I I mean no, oh yeah okay, and I just, we don't talk like that.

Speaker 1:

So it was the first and it was the first time and I'm like. The way he describes interactions is like he needs to write a screenplay and not just like oh, I told him his imagination it's just crazy, like his imagination is why I think and I feel it's crazy.

Speaker 2:

His imagination is wild.

Speaker 1:

I think, and I feel like if people knew that he was the one to write it, he would get a lot of girls Not that he don't, I'm not saying. I just feel like a lot of women would be like yeah, yeah, yeah. He describes the sex in a way that he does.

Speaker 2:

I'm more of an impersonal person like that, and that's what I mean by like extravagant, like the experiences I've had are something I'm moving to, where even afterwards I'm like that shit really just and that's not my life.

Speaker 1:

I don't know that shit. Really just and that's not my life.

Speaker 2:

Bro, I have and I've been trying to tell people like not all some bragging shit, because I'm shocked it happened, like in New Zealand this.

Speaker 1:

French girl Quit scrunching your nose, I'm sorry.

Speaker 2:

But I'm telling you, I'm well experienced. I had my 30th birthday out there Did you. Yeah, my 30th. Yeah, I had my 30th birthday.

Speaker 1:

We're millennials. I'm happy to be there. Okay, who thought paper should be a straw? Your mama, this is not funny.

Speaker 2:

But yeah, so I'm experienced and the things that she showed me.

Speaker 1:

You think foreigners are better.

Speaker 2:

Oh yes, oh yes.

Speaker 1:

A lot of people say that they think people from the UK aren't having sex.

Speaker 2:

I can't say the UK, but I haven't been there yet. But like the countries that I have been to and thank God, luckily, and this is what I mean I'm blessed. I'm never just out here getting it all the time, but in every country I've had an experience, I've been able, and they are been able and they are that like, and I I would say like america is way more approved really other countries yeah, other countries are just more comfortable with sexuality.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, like yeah new beaches and stuff like that. But. But I mean like down to, we just met. But I'm, if say, I just met you and you're a foreigner over, I'm overseas and you invite me over, you have no problem getting naked in front of me and this being our first meeting, yeah, because we're in your house and like they just way more comfortable with it. Yeah, and it made me look at even just bodies and sex a lot differently.

Speaker 1:

Okay, I'm gonna bring it back. You said that you felt like you were trying to do a whole phase and then you met an ex and he stopped everything. Yeah, I feel like and this might be really bad to say, but, but I feel like Alvin did that to me.

Speaker 2:

You clearly had your face.

Speaker 1:

But I'm just saying, I feel like.

Speaker 2:

You should have been over. Thank you, I don't think it was long enough, really.

Speaker 1:

Yes, yes, and sometimes I feel like I'd be like not craving a whole thing, like maybe like me and him could reenact a whole, like something's got to give.

Speaker 2:

Like an open marriage type of thing.

Speaker 1:

No, no, no no, Like we're married. It's like that should tell you everything Like we're married. It's like that should tell you everything like we're married. Right, that's my life, that's my life. We're married. Like there's no, no excitement. We're married I mean I'm not trying to explain.

Speaker 2:

I'm married that's and I get, and I hear that from so many married couples do you know a lot of? I don't know any married people all the people my age are married with kids? I don't know anybody who's married. Really.

Speaker 1:

That's crazy. The people that I know who are married are who you know.

Speaker 2:

No, I'm saying like all, like I damn near don't know single people. I don't know any married people, that's crazy Like, and that's why I really don't be going out and around a lot of people, because I'm always 5th or 7th or 3rd or 9th wheel 9th or 7th wheel, because it's always a couple. I'm just the odd man out.

Speaker 1:

I don't even really know any couples.

Speaker 2:

That's wild.

Speaker 1:

And not that I'm envious or like it's not that I'm envious or like it's not that, it's just.

Speaker 2:

and especially because, like once I hit 30 and I seen how young it actually is, yeah, I was like oh no, I'm not jealous. I thought 30 was old as fuck.

Speaker 1:

I seriously thought our parents were like old. But even now I'm like. They're not that old, they're only in their 50s and that's not old.

Speaker 2:

And so now me, I'm only 31. And most of my friends or peers or people my age are married and they're only their second, third kid. And I'm like and thinking back to like if I would have went through with mine, I feel like happy that I didn't know enough and I I'm here now because I yeah, I definitely.

Speaker 1:

if anybody ever came to me and was like should I get married? No, I and not that I don't think that marriage is a good life or because I love my marriage. It's not that, it's just I'm in the traditional marriage. I want a fun marriage, I want a.

Speaker 2:

it don't feel like we're married and you know, I feel like, now that I've waited at least to this point, I'm going gonna get that marriage, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 1:

Because I just feel like we weren't, I feel like I got pregnant and it was like we gotta get married. Like I was watching Reba last night, and because she got pregnant, they got here at 17. What are you doing, getting married at 17?

Speaker 2:

That's okay at 17. What are you doing getting married at 17? But that's what they're looking back at it like. I probably would have been somebody completely fucking different.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I'm gonna be honest, I don't think it worked at all I know that, not that I want to, not that I want to. Would you tell me if I cheated? If you do, I cheat it. No, I don't want to. Just to make that clear. That's not saying it out loud now. It's like damn, talking about you not in a happy marriage. And it's not that I am in a happy marriage, it's not that.

Speaker 2:

I am in a happy marriage. It's not fun, but even that I don't have to watch my words, I don't have to. I'll be so happy about that, because I'm not that person.

Speaker 1:

I am not a watch what you say. I've never been that. So when someone else is involved, it does make me feel like damn, that's so bad. And then it's like, obviously the world is going to hear this, but I just I feel like I can't. Not, this is a safe space. It's got to be, of course, of course. But you know that if you say no, you're not, not that he's not going to want to be married, but you know, but hey, I ain't got to be married to him.

Speaker 1:

But for you specifically no no no, but you would tell on one of them no, I mean for any of y'all like siblings yeah, siblings, no no but with a friend or something, it depends on the relationship I have with each.

Speaker 2:

Like if I don't know your girl, nah bro, you ain't got no way.

Speaker 1:

But if we all met each other at the same time, but we we're all friends.

Speaker 2:

I'm like fuck this gonna mess up the dynamic All of us is. I don't know, it was just different things to watch, yeah.

Speaker 1:

I might tell on you. I'm just kidding. The thing is, I know you would.

Speaker 2:

I feel like you would. I wouldn't tell.

Speaker 1:

No, I never. I wouldn't tell on you, but I would just be like are you sure you want to be with him? I guess that's what it was.

Speaker 2:

I would give them reasons and I was just like but to get it clear, I'm just not out here cheating and shit. I've only cheated on one girlfriend and regret it terribly. We'll never, ever do it again. But in that situation Huh, who? You know who? Because once again that's the attitude or energy you gave her. I was like that's crazy, your own sister.

Speaker 1:

I don't know who you're cheating on. Okay, I'm going to be honest. I tell all your girlfriends they should walk away, do you really? I was going to be honest. I tell all your girlfriends they should walk away do you really? I was going to say that's why, but see, this is because and I do it because honestly I be feeling like you, like them, but you need more time, like listen. I disagree they be too in, it's not even for you.

Speaker 2:

But I'm not saying that, I'm would you say that I don't be, and I'll be in no, no, no, they just be. Girls are just different like yeah, okay, I'll stop my whole thing for real. He looked at me a certain way and I was like okay I see what you're saying and once again now to this point, I realize that very true yeah, because back then.

Speaker 1:

I was trying to convince myself that yeah, no, I don't doubt that you care or you're in, it's not that, it's just and I'm but they playing wife, and but the thing is I'm they playing wife but the thing is, I'm not a bad partner.

Speaker 2:

No, I don't know. No, I'm saying, I'm saying, but you not knowing that, once again, a lot of people have put no, I don't think.

Speaker 1:

No, I've never thought that you were just out cheating.

Speaker 2:

No, not even that like they just never thought that you were just out cheating. Oh, not even that. Like they just never thought. I guess when you look at me they don't say, oh, he belongs in a relationship.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

A lot of people.

Speaker 1:

It's not that I don't think that you shouldn't be in one, I just don't think. I think you need somebody more like you.

Speaker 2:

I don't think there's a free over.

Speaker 1:

I think you're somebody more like you. I don't think there's a free over. I think you're too opposite with who you be Like. Their lives just be so much, so much more different. But you know what's crazy Me and Alvin are a lot alike in ways that I never even thought. Yeah, could be possible, yeah, but.

Speaker 2:

I was going to say you know what's crazy. I was really thinking that, like, probably in the past week I was like no one that I've dated has been on my level, and I don't mean that in like a cocky way, but I used me starting young, but after what I was doing and then me just wanting to do what I wanted to do in life. When I started dating I was dating down always.

Speaker 1:

I mean, I don't know, I really don't know much about anybody that you've been with, but what I see, the dynamic is always like them super hurt by little things, like, if it's not working out, like they just life is over.

Speaker 2:

Oh my God, I'm gonna die. I'm not gonna say that I haven't been hurt.

Speaker 1:

That's what I'm saying, but it's like they call in Talena and like what do I need to do? Like, what do you mean? Warming up? That's what you need to do.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I don't know about that. I don't know about that and, once again, it's not. I'm not trying to brag, or nothing, but I'm a good partner.

Speaker 1:

I don't know that.

Speaker 2:

That's okay, but it is even like the most recent one.

Speaker 1:

Now I'll say I do think that y'all are very different. I don't know you most recent. I still think that y'all are very different. But I will say, as far as like not just falling into whatever you say, she did from what I could see was really good at, not just being like okay, because that's not good for a relationship for a woman to just be like okay, okay, because that's not good for a relationship for a woman to just be like okay, like.

Speaker 1:

I know that social media likes to no. I know that stupid men like to say that they want a submissive woman and they don't even know what the word submissive means. A woman just saying okay to whatever you say, when you don't even know how to lead your own fucking life, and then you're trying to pull hers into it. That's not submission, that's stupid. There's no other word for it. That's stupid and the both of you are dumb if you want that, and that's just what that is.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I agree, because that's like there hasn't been a lot of women in my life that could teach me, and I wanted that.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you want to be able to learn and teach your partner, you want to be able to grow with them. For, yes, obviously you want your man to lead the situation, and I and I'll say I wasn't always a great leader either. I was not about to say that.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

I feel like I saw something on TikTok the other day and this girl was like she read something that if a man can't plan a date, he can't plan a future. I feel like you're really great at planning dates yeah, I can do that. And this you did a really good job planning dates and this like you but a really good job planning all of it. Like I feel like you're a good planner, you can be.

Speaker 2:

That's what I was gonna say, like what I was saying I can do all that stuff, but that's not, and you know from being my sibling, like that's not the life that I wanted, the simple basic, and then just get married and we have some kids and that's never what I wanted. So trying to mix that and pull them to like, I guess, into what I'm really trying to go was.

Speaker 1:

Do you think you need to wait? Oh for sure, until you're there. I got to find somebody on that level Because Alvin was telling me the other day that he he was like it's crazy that you sorry, somebody just died. He was like it's crazy that you're okay, struggling with me, like he really wants a house, like and I could live in a box and that's just me though, like I'm. But that's cool with the struggle, I don't mind it. Yes, I prefer not to, just because I have kids, but my kids are me so. So, just literally on the way home Tuesday, josiah, talking about, can we sleep in the car? You have a home. You have a home, sir.

Speaker 2:

What is wrong with you? But it lets me know that if we did, have to sleep in the car.

Speaker 1:

I'm not going to get no complaints, right, right. And that by no means am I saying that women should just be out here being okay living in boxes. That's not it. But somebody has to be okay with the struggle.

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah for sure.

Speaker 1:

And I guess that like, and I don't think it should be the leader I think that like, and I don't think it should be the leader, I think it should. And I'm not saying a woman can't lead in a relationship. That's the dynamic for y'all. That works, that's how it goes, but the leader definitely should not be the one. Okay living in a box, like he's not okay when he wants to be in a house, but I'm like as long as we're together.

Speaker 2:

And I'm not going to lie to you, that's where I fell.

Speaker 1:

You feel like you're okay living in a box. Oh, but in that way, that's just how we were raised, exactly.

Speaker 2:

That's just how we grew up. Well, once again, that's not what they're expecting, and that's what I'm saying. That does make it different. I didn't realize that I get it. But looking back at those, because I've been single, for years and years and years.

Speaker 2:

I'm glad I had that mentality only because of the things that I've been able to see and it's where I was thinking that I've been able to do now and because that's always been the goal for me. Once again, it hasn't been just house, kids, simple job, and we stay in one place Like I've seen the world. Because of that, and I'd say probably for the past seven, eight years I haven't had a permanent place to stay, but I've been okay with that because of the memories that were created, the things that I've done, the places that I've gone, the things that I've seen.

Speaker 1:

I'm over here. Phyllis, you said you ain't had nowhere to live for the past seven, eight years. Damn you living the life.

Speaker 2:

And the thing is a lot of people will hear that they and the thing is like. A lot of people will hear that and be like and that, but in my mind you living the life and I'm telling you the thing is and I can't do that with my kids- though, and that's why I be looking at a lot of people my age like bro, I'm not jealous of y'all yeah.

Speaker 1:

I mean, we travel, you know, we travel, yeah, yeah, but I always have to do it like and we travel, but I always have to do it like and it's in a different way.

Speaker 2:

You could probably do a month I spent 10 months.

Speaker 1:

I think we could do a long time. It's just, he's very I gotta have a job, I gotta know what's going on, whereas I'm like, is this one out today? Then I'm out today.

Speaker 2:

Like I said, I do get. That's a terrible mentality. It's not no, when you got somebody to take care of or protect or, like you said, for a leader. No, I don't think it is.

Speaker 1:

I do. Oh, for the leader, yeah for sure. But me, yeah, I could. He just going to make sure that we are safe. He's just going to make sure that we are safe. He's just going to make sure that.

Speaker 2:

And that's why, as of I'd say, like the past year and a half, two years, I've been okay. If someone comes along and they accept that they get that. That that's where I'm at, but I'm 100% okay being by myself, because I've even said I'd rather have a kid before I have or get married, or Do you feel like you're leaning on them?

Speaker 1:

though we will, whoever comes in the picture. Like accepting the way you live is one thing, but are you expecting them to?

Speaker 2:

um, live that way too. Yes and no, because, after I tell you that you are, looking for a leader no, I'm always cool with leading.

Speaker 2:

I'm cool with saying this is how we're going to go. If you want to be with me, okay. And a lot of the times I will get, and I don't know if it's because of what they perceive my life to be, because, once again, all those things that I see or have done, I'm sharing those experiences with them while we're talking things and whatnot, and so they think that's what it is 100% of the time.

Speaker 2:

I'm like no, it's not that. But if you want to have on the train, I'll show you. This is how it's gonna go. So, yes and no, but I'm always cool with somebody being like you know what this ain't for me. I'm out.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I think you should just go to bed now. I don't be having an empty door for real, because once again.

Speaker 2:

I gotta have some type of connection with you.

Speaker 1:

You can be a hoe and have connections, you can talk to the people.

Speaker 2:

You just so just be a bachelor then.

Speaker 1:

No, a bachelor is looking for, looking for someone. A hoe is just living. A bachelor is hoping to be a wife to someone.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I get that.

Speaker 1:

I get that. No, we're not looking for that, we're looking to just hope.

Speaker 2:

But, like I said, I've accepted that and I'm fine with that.

Speaker 1:

But I'm saying like Because I went south of it for like two years. Fuck all that.

Speaker 2:

I was like. But even that like it's not, especially now. Why, though?

Speaker 1:

Because it by choice. Yeah, why? Why are you doing that? What were you doing that for?

Speaker 2:

Because once I moved to California it was after just the big breakup.

Speaker 1:

That would have been the right time to be at home.

Speaker 2:

That's when I realized how plastic and shallow women can be. Oh for sure, like there's not a lot to talk and offer.

Speaker 2:

I'm telling you that I've learned that there's not a lot between besides no I'm saying worldwide and maybe it's what the world has taught y'all, y'all have to use, but me I'm deep and I'm not saying like that doesn't work for other men, but for me. For me I just talk about for me. I went celebrate because I'm like, besides y'all looks and what's between your legs, y'all don't have a lot to offer, even something to cook you really think that? I ran into and I've been single. This is in California, though. No, this has been everywhere that I went, worldwide Okay.

Speaker 1:

This is where things get different. We've been agreeing a lot. Okay, I obviously am gonna disagree because I'm a woman, but outside of that, just knowing that, all this stuff that I do, I think that can be true for a woman who is single and feels like if you want me, you need to earn me. I feel like that can be true for a woman who's thinking like that. I've never thought like that, I've never been like earn what I can do, show me that you deserve what I can do. Yeah, yeah, I do. I definitely think there are some women who think that their legs and their body parts are enough for a man to want them, and that's definitely not the case. Like everybody has to have something that they're bringing to a relationship, and it can't just be sex, because sex is once you marry. You married and I'm a cerebral person.

Speaker 2:

I don't know what that means.

Speaker 1:

A brain yeah.

Speaker 2:

But I like getting deep, I like knowing about?

Speaker 1:

Yes, for sure. I want to know about you specifically. So what do you think that you bring to the table? I mean, you said that you like conversation, but so are you saying that the women that you were meeting just had no substance?

Speaker 2:

yeah, or ambition, oh for sure.

Speaker 1:

Like for sure so what their thing was. This is the goal yeah, so there are some women. There are too many. I won't say that all women, but there are too many women who are jumping on this train of have a man take care of you. And again now I spoke to the men.

Speaker 2:

I won't even say all the wages, have men to carry you, but you're just OK, like we got a job. Both of you have a regular job You're OK with.

Speaker 1:

There's nothing wrong with that. No, like I said, talking about me.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, what I wanted, what I've gone for. I've never had somebody that wants that, or we'll have the conversation. They'll tell me their dreams and ambitions, but they just don't ever go for it.

Speaker 1:

I mean that could be for so many reasons, but for sure it sounds like you just are meeting people in the wrong crowd. Maybe Because I just don't like the idea that any sex would say the other sex don't bring nothing to the table.

Speaker 2:

Oh no, I'm not saying that. I think that Because I have a lot of those women who brought me so much peace. But, like, just when it comes to what's, next in life.

Speaker 1:

She's just looking to be taken care of.

Speaker 2:

But we're eventually not going to be on the same page, but that means that that person's not for you. I mean, that just means that that person is and I said that they're a bad person or no, nothing like that I don't know what you've been doing not much, I agree. I'm married. Is it really that dry when you get married? And I hear it from a lot of married men.

Speaker 1:

That their sex life is what Just dry you hear that from men.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Because this man thinks that he's got the best sex life ever, and I'm over here like I don't talk to everybody. I mean I wouldn't expect you to, I mean I wouldn't care if you did. I mean we used to, oh my gosh. We all used to talk about sex. But he like for real and bless his heart. He thinks that our sex life is up there with Jesus. And I just be like. I know that I, I know I got it, but I need more. Like we had a very fun relationship very fun.

Speaker 2:

Oh, it's a relationship for me I have.

Speaker 1:

I have to have. It just feels like at this point we're doing it because we're married, like it's a part of the relationship. Oh yeah, we gotta have sex. That that's the last.

Speaker 2:

And see like I want to find love. I want to have my person, but I don't want to give that up Like my sex life is so good.

Speaker 1:

Because I am so very in love with him. But it's like when sex feels like I'm a troll, like a troll. Oh yeah, we are married. We got to have sex too, Because life gets busy, Like we got four kids, we both work, Life be lifin' and so we be trying to fit it in. And at this point I'm to the point where I'm like forget it. I just, I just rather not point. I'm to the point where I'm like forget it.

Speaker 1:

I just, I just rather not and it's like don't do, it's killing him that he is missing out on his top-not relationship. It's not that we don't, it's just I don't. I can't like when people be like we gotta schedule insects. I can't, I can't never be.

Speaker 1:

I can never be in a situation where we're so busy that it's like, oh yeah, pencil me in for 5 o'clock on Thursday in the closet, what you mean. Like and Tamera said that on the Real. Like that her and her husband be scheduling sex and she was like loud and proud about it and that's cool. Like, if that works for y'all, cool what you mean. And y'all only got two kids. I, I didn't, I could not, I could not just couldn't beat it.

Speaker 1:

Oh my god, I don't know. I mean I I'm not saying that the sex is not good, it's definitely not that. It's not that it's not good, it's just we used to have fun.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I know what you mean.

Speaker 1:

He also was an alcoholic. I know what you mean.

Speaker 2:

It's just a whole different type, a whole different type.

Speaker 1:

He also was an alcoholic. When we got together Letting that drive, it's like a different. So I had to work him back to being comfortable with me, because it did feel like he wasn't comfortable with himself or me being sober, and that's what I'm saying.

Speaker 2:

Like me sleeping with anybody. I got to be some type of connection and that's why my sex life is fun, Because before we even get there I ain't got no problem talking about it. I think it's more fun.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I love talking about sex. Yeah, I ain't got no problem talking about it.

Speaker 2:

I ain't got no problem with what you like what you want me to do? It's a flirt thing at this point for me. Like to be able to do.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I just think it's way more fun when you don't know the person. I just think it's way more fun when you don't know the person. Oh for when I know I'm not going to see that person again, why am I? I'm going all out.

Speaker 2:

And not saying that that's not true. Yeah, I know that's true. Yeah, but I got to at least be feeling you some, for sure, and I mean like on more than a level of it's just flirting and we attracted.

Speaker 1:

If that makes sense.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it do, but Give me a reason to want to sleep with you, and it might be fellas. This is a message to y'all. I take pride over this. I'm not giving out no lazy doodle ever.

Speaker 1:

Lazy doodle, lazy doodle ever.

Speaker 2:

And so the thing is, if for you to get this, you gotta do something more than just be cute and like you have to, you have to do something more than just be cute and like you have to, you have to.

Speaker 1:

I've never had Lazy Doodle. That's got to be the worst, for who's ever experienced Lazy Doodle.

Speaker 2:

Lazy Doodle. I've heard some stories and I will say From women. Yeah.

Speaker 1:

About men not putting in effort yeah.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, y'all'all gotta do better. Did you think everybody got a great sex life? I mean mine's pretty top notch, I just and and I'm not talking about just with who I'm with right now yeah, sex life has always been like I'm not going to say I ain't had a hit or one or two misses you know it's the worst, women, when a man is well endowed and just don't know what the fuck to do.

Speaker 1:

Why don't you know how to do anything? Why did God give you such a blessing and you don't know how to do anything? Why, why did God give you such a blessing and you don't know how to use it? That has to be the worst. I mean, I was and I've had a variety. I've had a variety and for this person I'm not even going to lie, lie, he was my biggest and I was just like. This is about to be life. I'm about to see what everybody been talking about the, the. He had no idea what to it was like it was his first time ever, ever it was. It was terrible, the worst. I gave him like two or three chances to like redeem himself every time it was like that it just was really bad sex and I didn't know that that was a thing.

Speaker 2:

I've heard some stories. It was just really bad.

Speaker 1:

I have heard some stories and that, like once I will say, a connection does make a lot, a big difference, a huge difference.

Speaker 2:

And my thing is, once again, I've had, you know, a, the couple misses and shit, but it's been based on that.

Speaker 1:

The lack of connection.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

We had a pretty good connection, no.

Speaker 2:

I'm not saying for him or whatever, I'm just saying for me. That's what always has made the difference, because, other than that, god has blessed me with it, and now I'm more into you and I can.

Speaker 1:

I just I'm like Sex is important Very, and I'll be honest, I make him think that it's not Like. I make him I feel like it's not all that, like it's not important, it's very important. It's not very important, like it's not important. It's very important, it's not very important, it's important, it isn't important. If we're not having good sex, we're not having a relationship, that's for sure.

Speaker 2:

Oh, I know that now.

Speaker 1:

What you was having a relationship with somebody who wasn't having good sex. One of the main ones Was not good sex.

Speaker 2:

It was okay, what? But the love was deep. That fuck off, but and once again, that's way back when. And so everything that I've seen, I could never, and something that I've seen, everything that I've seen and experienced since then, I'm like. Now I'm on the exact same page I could never, so you couldn't go back to them.

Speaker 1:

I could never like thinking about it now because here's my thing and not to be like bragging or anything, but I had men guys because they weren't on them. I had guys like begging to be with me simply because the sex was good and it's like, but we don't have anything outside of this like this was during my, it wasn't almost but and I'm just like you're, you're desperate like it, desperation makes sex bad look I wouldn't say they're desperate.

Speaker 2:

It all right, it could just be that good. What?

Speaker 1:

because the thing is the most recent it was just that good, but I don't know what that means bro, and you won't, because you just got one and you don't have that same one until the day you die.

Speaker 2:

But and that's what I'll be trying to tell her. Like she said, she used to be insecure about it before, just how super wet she is, and I was just like. I don't have that insecurity, no, like, and see, once again, this is what I. You only got one.

Speaker 1:

Did you say euphoria, euphoria, euphoria?

Speaker 2:

The first season.

Speaker 1:

Okay, cassie was saying that, what, that was a storyline that, like, the guys were talking about how wet she'd get. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, that was like a scene for her. Yeah, yeah, yeah, I didn't think that was real, I didn't think it would have been, but that's what I was saying, like you only got one.

Speaker 2:

You're going to have the one until the day you die, so yours, unless you talk to her, and y'all can just compare exactly what it but for me to have had different ones.

Speaker 1:

Bro. I mean, I just don't see the insecurity though.

Speaker 2:

Cause she didn't think she don't know what it is. Had somebody told her like no, she just like obviously y'all get around that things, when yeah, just things happen, but she just gets super yeah and so if that's always, if it's always happened to you, like even after you start getting up here, you don't know what that is for real, for real, but I have to ease in her mind.

Speaker 1:

I mean.

Speaker 2:

I just it is and I've, I don't yeah.

Speaker 1:

I remember when I, when I the first time that I had sex, I told Chantel, you know, I was like it was either Chantel or Brooke and I was like I don't get the hype Because they both had been having sex and I was just like you, you wowed, and I was just like you, you wild.

Speaker 2:

But I kind of get you from your perspective, because, dudes, they're all they think always. It's your first time, two minutes, you gon' go, you gon' bust Like it's just gonna happen.

Speaker 1:

But it wasn't his first time.

Speaker 2:

No, I'm saying.

Speaker 1:

Oh, just because it was my first time.

Speaker 2:

No, no, no. No. You said you didn't get the hype, but for me, like on my side, I lasted like 15 to 20 minutes and I was like so what was they talking about? But maybe she had and not to say yeah, yeah, he did not.

Speaker 1:

It was like five minutes.

Speaker 2:

Oh, that's good then. No, I mean no, that was not his first.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that was definitely not his first time, and my thing is Was he celibate before? No, we had been doing other things before intercourse happened, so it was like you should have been.

Speaker 2:

Right, Like you already knew what you were coming into, sir, yeah because after my celibacy, the first time was sure, I was like listen, I'm sorry.

Speaker 1:

See, I don't get that either.

Speaker 2:

I thought this was going to get better if you stick around. I'm not going to lie, but it had been bad, that's exactly how I felt.

Speaker 1:

Dog, I was like no see and I don't get that because and I'm gonna be saying stuff like that like you're making me wait too long, but he really does not come that fast it be like I don't know it be a nice session.

Speaker 2:

I don't know what the duration is, how somebody needs a long, they need to wait, but I'm saying like he thinks a week is too long. I don't know what the duration is how somebody needs, how long they need to wait. But I'm saying, like I told you, mine was two years. He thinks a week is too long.

Speaker 1:

Well, he got it.

Speaker 2:

I don't know what to say to him.

Speaker 1:

Good luck, brother.

Speaker 2:

But even with that, even with him thinking that that's too long, he still don't be like yeah, I was going to say because I can go a couple of months and still be able to yeah. But yeah, I was just like because I can go a couple months and still be able to yeah. But, like I said, that was two years and it was with the most recent.

Speaker 1:

And how wet she is. Oh, she was the first Bro.

Speaker 2:

Bro, I was in California that whole time, and before her it was air, which was two years before. That. Shout out to you too. You was always there.

Speaker 1:

Oh, my god, she was I don't know, just I don't know what the point of this conversation is oh yeah, we got some subject, but playoff is here.

Speaker 2:

You don't be watching, I don't, I don't I'm not like sports.

Speaker 1:

You don't be watching.

Speaker 2:

I don't, I don't, I'm not.

Speaker 1:

Do you like sports? I don't get them. I don't get them.

Speaker 2:

And then I've been trying, so you don't get the point of basketball no.

Speaker 1:

And I be like I seriously be watching basketball and be like what was the thought process of the person who put this game together? Like what was you expecting to get out of it? Was you just good at throwing stuff into holes and wanting to show somebody? I'm not gonna lie to you.

Speaker 2:

I've never looked into the inception of basketball or how it started, but where it's evolved to now. Now it's a very entertaining game and a lot of people even say like it's scripted and you know who gonna win, and things like that. My thing is like I'm not as invested as some people are in it, but it's good entertainment, like right now, anthony headwards I think this is 30 years later, something like that. Yeah, 30 months. But who was he playing with the Minnesota Timberwolves? Never heard of him. Nah, I bet you haven't. You know what's crazy. Way back in the day Detroit Pistons versus the Timberwolves was at the Palace back when the Baldwin Palace was there, I was doing some camera work for one of the crew members and Kevin Garnett had touched my head and said call me and go home. Just to bump back that day.

Speaker 1:

When was that?

Speaker 2:

Way back, when I think it was, oh, four or five or three, something like that, way back then. So I bumped back to it. But yeah, it's not. You looked him up. Yeah, yeah, I think it's like your third year or something like that. But his trajectory has a shout out and his personality.

Speaker 1:

He's 22.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that's it, and the dude is entertaining as hell.

Speaker 1:

Do you spread things off as big Grins, grins, yeah, yeah he is. Mm-hmm yeah.

Speaker 2:

But you can just tell like he's a great kid, he's really having fun playing basketball. He's really entertaining these people. He's playing on the mother.

Speaker 1:

He's in the playoffs right now. He's in the playoffs right now he's going crazy.

Speaker 2:

Stop playing with him, I don't get it. He in the Western Conference Finals, he ain't going crazy. Hey, look, so one last round. I know you don't know that, but last round, yeah, I won one of the games. He having an interview. Chuck was like so I haven't been to Minnesota in like 20 years. He was like bring your ass.

Speaker 1:

What? What did he say? He said who said bring your ass.

Speaker 2:

Anthony Edwards, oh my gosh, because he played for Minnesota.

Speaker 1:

Where is he from?

Speaker 2:

I think Atlanta, me too, yeah. But he was like bring your ass, and so now bringyourasscom leads to the official. Minnesota tourism website leads to the official.

Speaker 1:

Minnesota tourism website what the fuck?

Speaker 2:

We're gonna hmm, you tried it in yeah, bringyaasscom. Oh, you put your. No, I put your ass. Yeah, bring y-a ass dot com.

Speaker 1:

Oh you put your, no, I put your ass. It's just one egg. Yeah, no, yeah but yeah explore Minnesota. Yeah, I'm like what is this?

Speaker 2:

let's say, star of the North, that's the official tourism site for Minnesota, but it's just like to see the correlation. I'm like what is this, let's say, star of the north, that's the official tourism site from minnesota. But it's just like to see the correlation that sports is having with culture, with having with even official yeah, what is there to do in minnesota?

Speaker 2:

now you know if you go to bring your asscom. So y'all go check. The mississippi river isn't? No, it's not latina, is it on the site? It's the official site. They're not lying to you. The mississippi river, they're not lying to you.

Speaker 1:

We're going to get a lot of food. He said that to who chuck charles bikeway. He said that to who Charles.

Speaker 2:

Barkley, oh, he was like because he knew he was going to have to go there to call the games and stuff. But See, we're going to have to start watching the games together.

Speaker 1:

Yeah because I don't. I'll be trying to ask Alvin like okay, what's the point? You know I can definitely.

Speaker 2:

And I've had so many of those, so it would be fun for you or for me to actually have somebody that I know that goes by my side.

Speaker 1:

I might. I might get up and be like, okay, that's crazy. No, we can go to a game.

Speaker 2:

What I'm not going to.

Speaker 1:

I'm not going to Because I'm probably not going to watch it on TV. Why?

Speaker 2:

not. I mean especially, we're not going to make it to a playoff game this year.

Speaker 1:

No, I'm not saying that.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, for sure, for sure we can do that.

Speaker 1:

I'm not going to, I'm just being honest.

Speaker 2:

So what is it? What's the disconnect between you and sports? Is there any sport that you watch?

Speaker 1:

I love a good ice skating.

Speaker 2:

Are you being serious?

Speaker 1:

I like a good ice skate. You're not being serious, are you? Why not? Okay, well, why not? No, I, I didn't like if I'm gonna watch anything in the olympics is 100. The ice skating, oh okay, that's what I just. That is no, I thought you were trying to make a joke like for real.

Speaker 2:

Sometimes I can't tell with you no, no, like yesterday with Deuce Revis, I was like she got to be joking. I was really wanting to know what you thought I was fucking with her and so, if you were joking, I was going to look like a name. I was like, all right, okay, so Ice K.

Speaker 1:

I mean, I can see the appeal. Yeah, I cheered, but I ain't watching.

Speaker 2:

Is it like the figure skating where they're? Doing the trickster or the racists Figure skating, okay, okay.

Speaker 1:

I said ice skating, figure skating, is this a thing? It's not. But yeah, I just I can enjoy being at a game, you do. I can enjoy being at a game, like, we went to Alvin's Younger Brothers track meet over the weekend last week and I had fun because it was so much interaction. But I am not about to be like so-and-so's racing running today. Let's watch it on tv. No, and I could go to a game and enjoy a basketball game, but yeah, there's levels to it.

Speaker 2:

You know, like, like to me, like I'd be seeing some people that die hard, they will fight you. If you say I don't get you like that, I'm not that deep into it. They're not paying my bills, right, they're not gonna do nothing for me. Like it's not that, dude, once again it's entertaining because we got.

Speaker 1:

We had uh piston tickets once. Do you remember that when we went with mike? Oh, yeah, yeah and I had a good time. I don't remember who won, or yeah, yeah, but it was like, yeah, I'll go. It's just if somebody was like, hey, the pissing is on tonight, come over and watch. No, what are you serving? I mean now, what are you serving to eat? That's all I care about. I'll come if you're feeding me, no no, definitely. They ain't even playing, and I'm a fan, are they still a fan?

Speaker 2:

So bad girl, so bad. Is it just Michigan? No, because I'm just one of the Lions. The Lions ain't that great either.

Speaker 1:

I mean they made it way further. They're doing better.

Speaker 2:

They made it way further than they ever have.

Speaker 1:

That was like two more wins.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

I feel I actually that last playoff game or whatever it was that they had, I did watch that with him because he had just had surgery, so we were in bed watching it together. But I did, I was, I was upset because I was watching it like they about to, they about to get this heartbreaking and then out of nowhere, and that's when I was like, maybe this lion's curse is real yeah, I don't, it's got to be something. And he about to go to a they first game this year.

Speaker 2:

Okay, and I'm just like I don't want to wait for this, but once again, if you love your partner, you know he into it yeah.

Speaker 1:

I've bought him tickets before. I'm always like I've spent thousands on Lions.

Speaker 2:

I couldn't imagine Like see me, I'm not that deep in it, like if I say I'm making 20 bands, 30 bands, 40 bands a week, We've spent thousands over the course of our relationship.

Speaker 1:

I bought him tickets. But basketball like football, I can get into Basketball. I'm just. I feel like it's Basketball is boring.

Speaker 2:

It's definitely not Now. I will say it's far in between. In the regular season it's far in between to find a good game Like you gotta catch up on it. But playoffs, we've had Three game sevens already. I know you don't know what that means, but the people that we get into it I feel like high school basketball games are more interesting that's because you don't be watching maybe but he plays basketball, but you don't really watch it, so I don't really that's a good number.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I don't really. Yeah, I don't want to get the opportunity to catch a basketball because he don't watch basketball like that, but football he's always on.

Speaker 2:

He's never played that right. Yeah, he did him and Darnold oh yeah, that's right, that's right, but he didn't play in high school or anything no. So I don't get that.

Speaker 1:

Why he don't watch it. I get it. I think the disappointment of not doing it yeah, like watching it was like man. Yeah, he could have done it. I think that's why he don't watch. I don't know. I've never actually asked him why he don't watch, but I'm assuming Because he talks about it a lot the fact that he played and how good he was, and because then he said something about football he was watching a football camp thing or something, and and I was asking him which sport he preferred and he said basketball. But then I don't ever see you watching basketball.

Speaker 1:

So then I asked him yeah, yeah, but I think he thought I was asking what he would prefer to play, okay. And so I was like, would you ever want to go to a football camp, because you know they're open to anyone, the NFL and he was like you got all giddy Like chill, the fuck out out.

Speaker 2:

I don't think women be realizing like now you're showing, because a lot of the times it's the opposite way. Men have to show interest in what you're in because y'all just want to talk all the time. But you doing that, that'll.

Speaker 1:

I do that for him a lot though it'll melt his heart and make him giddy he did get like he just got a big old smile on his face. I'm like that's something that means something to him, because I was really for real, like if you would want to go but and you know what, on another level of that, that that sounds like support to him yeah, even if he was to do it like I know she's gonna.

Speaker 2:

She brought it up to me, yeah, because I was like, well, we could win it, we could do youtube channels of you.

Speaker 1:

She's gonna she brought it up to me? Yeah, because I was like, well, we could win it we could do youtube channels of you working out, getting ready for it. And then did I say youtube channels, youtube videos.

Speaker 2:

I knew what you meant.

Speaker 1:

They knew what you meant but yeah, I, I feel like I am a very good partner, like that's good. I know that sometimes it comes off like yeah and we had to have that conversation. I'm like you. You agree with people when they tell you, oh, she's so mean to you and I'm like but would you prefer somebody who's just like okay? Right because you your life would probably be down the drain right now if you just had an okay partner.

Speaker 2:

I feel that, like I said he, was an alcoholic when we got together.

Speaker 1:

Had I just been like you can do whatever you want, you'd be in jail or dead right now. Like, like don't do that that's an alcoholic's future.

Speaker 2:

I figured out.

Speaker 1:

I mean, that's inevitable for anybody who drinking and can't handle it, it's just. But I I've actually been with another alcoholic and I would never, because I didn't love them. I don't love you, I don't care about you like that. I'm drinking with you and then I'm driving us home because I'm not going to let you kill me but I can let you, let me kill us both, no.

Speaker 1:

I just can sober up real quick when I know I did a good job there for you, so you still here to be able to do this podcast.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I, I just can sober up real quick when I know I heard something. I feel like I did a good job there for you.

Speaker 1:

So you still here to be able to do this podcast. Yeah, I want to get into sports. I just feel like they really are fun.

Speaker 2:

They're just another dynamic. I think I need to understand them before I can enjoy them. I mean, but just the way that I look at life now, like on this big blue ball, just my interest is yes, uh, the interest is wide variety. Sports is just there for us, it's just something to be into like none of this matter, I don't understand.

Speaker 1:

Uh figure, do you?

Speaker 2:

understand taxes, business taxes, no, do you understand science things? Speaking of man on my way here.

Speaker 1:

I was thinking about taxes and stuff like that, and I just cannot fathom the thought that somebody really sat down and was like I want you to have good credit to get this house, but it's not going to affect your credit if you're paying the payments on this house. It's only going to affect your credit if you don't make the payments. Why is it that I need credit to get a house, but getting a house does nothing for my credit? I need credit to get a house, but getting a house does nothing for my credit I have no clue and I've never tried.

Speaker 2:

I need credit to get a car.

Speaker 1:

But paying off a car does nothing for my credit. But I.

Speaker 2:

I don't plan on buying a house, but if I ever do, I really don't want to have it at home, whatever. If I ever have to with my whoever my future spouse yeah, whatever, whatever. If I ever have to with my whoever my future spouse yeah, whatever.

Speaker 1:

We gonna pay that off right away and then get to the rest.

Speaker 2:

That's not good for your credit either. No, I'm. It's not even a credit thing, it's just so I don't have to worry about yeah, the payments.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, because the taxes, that's how I'd be thinking right and the thing is, I could deal with that. I'm not gonna. I'm gonna just, I guess, take that L as just something stable on my credit it's not going up or down for me, but I have a, a home base, someplace I can go to. But, like I said, I've been learning it. It's, I guess, it's the lifestyle that you live, but it's not that important and I feel like that's where.

Speaker 1:

I'd be at like if that you live. But it's not that important and I feel like that's where I'd be at Like. If these four rats were not in my house, I for real would not mind sleeping on the ground.

Speaker 2:

I mean I got a little high standards in that.

Speaker 1:

No, I'm so serious Because for what? What am I breaking my back to be in a place that one is always going to be shitty and I was?

Speaker 2:

going to say, like, as long as I got some money in my pocket, I'm going to Right, as long as I can buy meals.

Speaker 1:

Whenever I want to, I don't need.

Speaker 2:

Here's my thing, the place that I live in right now the passport was the best investment I ever made in my entire life it wasn't until I found out that being on assistance gets it for you free and I paid for it.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I was really mad, but I am happy that I got rid of it. But I was really not right. Y'all up in my business and you didn't tell me I could get a break. Yeah, but I pay $1,600. I'm about to tell y'all all my business. I pay $1,600 a month to live where we live and that by no means am I ungrateful to have a place to live, but that was a shitty-ass place that I lived in for $1,600.

Speaker 2:

But you know what's crazy? I mean not to say it's shit, but it's a lot better than $1,600 for a box in California.

Speaker 1:

Yes, for sure For sure. I'm not doing shit like that, bro.

Speaker 2:

Ah the prices out there.

Speaker 1:

I mean the income equals yeah, yeah, For sure. Yeah, yeah, for sure, so for sure. I mean, I still don't know that I would pay for a box for 1600.

Speaker 2:

I mean, you're gonna do what you gotta do yeah but.

Speaker 2:

But that's when I started to learn like, all right, maybe I can get some light. And especially out there, you get people from all over the world, yeah, like-minded people like, hey, you try to go of the apartment for a month and I'm just saying, for a month, right, they'll be like, all right, yeah, but somebody says, listen, I'm here for a month next month. You there, with a couple of other friends you met at work, maybe I'll do that for six months. Now you gotta look like you just figure that out.

Speaker 1:

But the thing is you're not living bad?

Speaker 2:

yeah, I was gonna say they're nice apartments, you're not living.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that's my problem. Don't tell me you want me to pay nice apartment or nice house prices for I was gonna say, yeah, these, especially in california. You got nice pools, palm trees right there, the balcony is nice and I mean you don't want to come and fix nothing, you don't want to be a landlord, you just want to. You just want me to pay you to sit around and do nothing I mean, there's some choices out there a lot.

Speaker 1:

My dishwasher leaks every time I use it and I told them there's something wrong with this dishwasher. It needs to be fixed or replaced. Told them there's something wrong with this dishwasher, it needs to be fixed or replaced. He came out and, because he couldn't see it with the naked eye, what was wrong with it?

Speaker 2:

oh, it's nothing wrong with it then why am I walking in a puddle of?

Speaker 1:

water every time this thing is running. He didn't do anything, just looked at it. He didn't do anything, just looked at it. Then the dishwasher almost burned the whole fucking house down one night. We're getting it in and I'm like what the fuck is burning? I'm thinking. One of the kids then went upstairs and started cooking and I'm like you don't smell that. He don't smell nothing but me. He don't know what's going on. I'm like coven, we've got to stop. Right now I am smelling something that should not be, smelled.

Speaker 1:

Right now I go out, I open our bedroom door. It's completely smoky out in the house.

Speaker 2:

Every out, the entire house is smoking you had to like get on your knees and crawl like smoke no, it was.

Speaker 1:

It was very faint, but it was just still there and I'm like I'm not seeing where this is coming from. So I called 911. I'm like, uh, my husband's a burglar. I don't know what's on fire, but something in here is on fire, okay. Like somebody needs to come check this out. Fire department comes out there. A fork was sitting on the heater part of the dishwasher so like the cycle that would dry, I guess whatever brings the heat that little coil that's going on.

Speaker 1:

Yes, A fork was sitting on top of it. So you telling me that this dishwasher don't hold on to the silverware that's in here and if it don't hold on to the silverware in here, it's going to burn the whole house down, I'm like, and you're telling me there's nothing wrong with it.

Speaker 2:

Well, for $1,600 a month.

Speaker 1:

Then the refrigerator was leaking. I'm telling them hey, we'll buy a new refrigerator, just take it off our rank. No, no, no, no, no, don't, don't touch nothing. Then somebody get out here and say you want our food to spoil.

Speaker 2:

You don't give a damn about what, and I'm just like I don't get it.

Speaker 1:

Then the landlord gets mad at us because they put a trash, a dumpster, in our driveway, because they were getting the roof replaced or whatever. Fine, there was plenty of room on the side of the house that they could have put this dumpster in, like there were other places that they could have put in the backyard. There were other places you could have placed put in the backyard. There were other places you could have placed this thing. You put it in front of my driveway, so now I can't use the driveway, nor the garage that I'm paying for. So I tell them hey, someone's gonna have come off my rent for this inconvenience.

Speaker 2:

Next thing I know they talk about they don't want me living there, no more what you don't want to rent to me because that's not a shock like I've never heard before I can't be inconvenienced the thing is, I'll pull in and out of this garage and use this driveway every day, and one day I just come back.

Speaker 1:

You can't literally came home no, notice nothing, nothing came home from work, it was there. I called Nothing. Came home from work it was there. I called the dumpster place, like hey, I think you guys might have put this in the wrong place.

Speaker 2:

Because I don't know nothing about this being here.

Speaker 1:

That's yeah, and you got the nerve. You got the nerve to tell me I got to. You want me out.

Speaker 2:

We haven't talked with you in a really good hell. No, alright, that was episode one of the he smoke, she don't podcast. We appreciate y'all for tuning in. We got so much more content coming y'all away. Whatever something you think we need to be talking about, leave it down in the comments and we gonna talk to y'all soon, soon, soon soon, soon, soon, soon, soon, soon, and we're going to talk to y'all soon.

Speaker 1:

Soon, soon, soon, soon, soon, soon, soon, soon, soon, soon, soon, soon, soon, soon, soon, soon, soon, soon, soon, soon, soon, soon, soon, soon, soon, soon, soon, soon, soon.

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